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皮雪蔓,瓦鲁比路42号,悉尼。P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

我要去见一个人,商量一下关于一个小袋鼠的事情。I'm going to see a man about a wallaby.

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澳新军团日袋鼠特兹饮料,褴褛及两个向上!Wallaby Teds ANZAC Day drinks, footy & TWO UP!

你们听说过悉尼瓦鲁比路42号的皮雪蔓吗?Any of you heard of P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney?

“把你的头粘在死掉的澳洲土著流浪者脖子上”这句话翻译成法语应该怎末说?What's french for stick your head up a dead wallaby 's bum?

我们把“行李”背上就开始“跑码头”了。Putting our "Swags" upon our backs, we started off "on the wallaby.

在伊丽莎白山客栈的门廊里,一个土著澳洲女人懒洋洋地倚在一只狗窝上。On the veranda at Mount Elizabeth Station, a wallaby reclined languidly on a dog bed.

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盘子中间是一块金质圆版,上刻有小袋鼠和跳羚的标志。The centre of the plate is a gold disc emblazoned with both a Springbok and a Wallaby.

计划还包括,从芬林得岛出口塔斯玛尼亚沙袋鼠产品。They also included the export of Tasmanian pademelon wallaby products from Flinders Island.

塞浦路斯圣乔奇一家私人动物园,刚出生就被关起来的白化小袋鼠。An albino wallaby born into captivity is pictured at a private zoo in Ayios Georgios, Cyprus

他救了袋鼠孤儿,并帮助芬兰学习了解库克伯勒哭。He rescues an orphaned wallaby and helps Finn learn to understand the cry of the kookaburra.

澳大利亚新南威尔士州科希丘什科国家公园,发现一只白化沼泽袋鼠。An albino swamp wallaby is seen in the Kosciuszko National Park in New South Wales, Australia

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沼泽和山龙眼树丛间蓝灰色的穗草莎莎作响,也许是一只青蛙跳过,也有可能是一只小袋鼠吧。Blue-grey spike grass rustles amid swamp box and bush banksias, a frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby.

澳大利亚悉尼塔瑞噶野生动物园中,一只五个月大的红颈小袋鼠幼兽将头探出妈妈的口袋中。A five-month-old red necked wallaby joey pokes her head out of her mother's pouch at Taronga zoo, Sydney, Australia

这种小袋鼠可以分泌一种染色将其面部和颈部的颜色从浅粉红色变成明亮深紫色。The Wallaby secretes a dye that transforms its face and neck into colours ranging from light pink to bright purple.

现在他们已经被定义为小袋鼠菌,科学家们希望能在牲畜的肠道内发现相关种数的细菌。Now that they've identified the wallaby bacteria, scientists hope to find related species of bacteria in other livestock.

理查德斯是一个澳大利亚人,他参加了澳大利亚首次访问英国的比赛,1908年还夺得了奥运金牌。Richards was an Australian who took part in the first tour of Britain by a Wallaby side and won an Olympic Gold Medal in 1908.

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作者表明,在袋鼠的各种组织中H19是母系印记,IGF2是父系印记。The authors showed that H19 is maternally imprinted and IGF2 is paternally imprinted in various tissues in the tammar wallaby.

除了某些飘飘欲仙的游客和偶尔的出现幻觉的澳洲土人,塔斯马尼亚确实还没有从这种繁荣的产业中看到什么弊病。Aside from some stoned tourists and the occasional hallucinating wallaby -- yes, really -- Tasmania has seen few ill effects from its flourishing cash crop.

塔斯马尼亚省伯尼一带的地主,为「塔斯马尼亚创意纸业」公司搜集了二十五公斤大小袋鼠的粪便,用来制造首批独特纸浆。Land owners around Burnie in Tasmania state helped scrape together 25 kilograms of kangaroo and wallaby dung for Creative Paper Tasmania to make its first batch of the unique paper pulp.