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脑膜上的伤如何解释?Any information of the meninges?

真菌感染最常见的部位是肺,其次为口腔、脑膜和血液。The infective site were lung, oral cavity, cerebral meninges and blood etc.

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目的探讨天幕脑膜瘤患者的术后护理。Objective To discuss the postoperative nursing of patients with meninges tumor.

目的评价一种简便的磁共振减影方法对正常脑膜成像的显示效果。Objective To assess the potential of MRI subtraction in demonstration of normal meninges.

目的探讨脑膜癌病的临床特征和脑脊液细胞学改变。Objective To explore clinical features of meninges carcinoma and cytologic changes of CSF.

这里所见棕黄色混浊物是急性脑膜炎的渗出物。The yellow-tan clouding of the meninges seen here is due to an exudate from acute meningitis.

假的抗生素、结核药、爱滋病药,甚至脑膜炎疫苗,都发现仿冒品。Bogus antibiotics, tuberculosis drugs, AIDS drugs and even meninges vaccines have also been found.

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显微镜下,左侧受累的脑膜上可见嗜中性粒细胞渗出,并有明显的血管扩张。Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels.

方法总结分析11例经脑脊液细胞学检查确诊的脑膜癌病患者的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of 11 cases meninges carcinoma that were diagnosed by cytologic examination of CSF were analyzed.

脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎是一种细菌形式的脑膜炎,由于发生了对脑膜带来影响的严重脑膜感染而造成。Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection of the meninges that affects the brain membrane.

脑转移侵及脑膜可见脑膜增厚或类似“靶征”或“鼠尾征”。Meningeal thicking or just like "target sign" or "tail of mouse sign" were found after cerebral metastasis invaded neighbour meninges.

它通常与疤痕的脑膜或蛛网膜脊髓,观察到的CT扫描与脊髓。It is usually associated with scarring of meninges or arachnoid membranes of the spinal cord, observable with CT-scan with myelography.

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眼窝脑膜膨出是种罕见的先天性异常,其成因为头颅或眼窝骨的缺损使得脑脑从缺损处呈囊状的膨出。Orbital meningocele is a rare congenital anomaly with cystic herniation of meninges caused by a bony defect of the cranio-orbital bone.

结论MRI检查能清楚显示淋巴瘤脑脊膜受侵病灶的部位和范围。Conclusion MRI is able to clearly show location and scope of lesions that are caused by invasion of lymphoma into cerebrospinal meninges.

结论做好天幕脑膜瘤患者术后的护理,积极防治并发症,是促进患者早日康复的重要环节。Conclusions Wonderful postoperative nursing and protecting against complications are key points for recovery of patients with meninges tumor.

第三组病因则包括了多种导致感染、渗出或造成静脉血管、静脉窦壁及脑膜纤维化的情况。The third group comprises a number of diverse conditions causing infection, infiltration or fibrosis of the meninges and walls of the veins or sinuses.

脑膜是由三层菲薄而致密的膜——硬脑膜、蛛网膜、软膜以及膜间腔隙组成的复杂结构。Functional investigation in neuroscience has generally been predicated on the assumption that the brain parenchyma is structurally and functionally separated from meninges.