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在下一次鸟类审判中。At next bird assizes.

下回小鸟审判,受审者为麻雀。The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.

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下回鸟儿法庭,受审者为麻雀。The Sparrow's for trial, at next bird assizes.

有个执达吏立在进入刑庭的门旁。An usher stood at the door communicating with the hall of the Assizes.

唯有如此,我国基层法院的巡回审判才能更好实施。In this way, the implementation of the assizes can be better implemented.

所有相关者,这则启事通知,燕子将受审判,在下一次鸟类审判中。To all it concerns, This notice apprises, The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.

如果你不马上将刀子放进口袋里,我可以用名誉担保,下次巡回法庭审判时一定送你上绞刑架。If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket I promise, upon my honour, you shall hang at the next assizes.

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他一面沉思一面转过身子,他的视线触到了门上的铜钮,门那边便是刑庭了。As he dreamed, he turned round, and his eyes fell upon the brass knob of the door which separated him from the Court of Assizes.

刑事法院院长到监狱里往看拉色内尔时,曾向拉色内尔问到一件他不肯承认的案子。When the President of the Assizes visited Lacenaire in his prison, and questioned him concerning a misdeed which Lacenaire denied, "Who did it?"

文化在欧洲的高峰上举行会议,然后在各大陆的中心,举行一个智慧的大议会。Civilization will hold its assizes at the summit of Europe, and, later on, at the centre of continents, in a grand parliament of the intelligence.