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你是一个可怜的弱者。You are a miserable weakling.

阿尔及利亚省长卓脱尔是个懦弱者。The governor in Algeria, Chatel, was a weakling.

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当代了不起的学者怎麽会是个软脚兔呢?How can an admirable contemporary scholar be a weakling?

等到了家里,齐拉就数落他是个懦夫,软骨头。Later, at home, Zilla would accuse him of being a coward and a weakling.

他看到卡斯威尔的软弱的儿子在纸上签名,任命一个侍从,最终是一个骑士。He watched Caswell's weakling son named a page, a squire, and finally a knight.

我不敢求你谅宥,我只希望你快忘记我这个软弱、没有勇气的人。I only hope you will quickly forget this weakling who lacks the courage to be frank.

这些对话并不仅仅是一个正在衰落的美国试图安抚来自北京的阔佬。The talks aren't all about a weakling US trying to placate the powerful landlord from Beijing.

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在X战警的电影里,金刚狼稍微对他耍了点狠,他就变成一个软脚虾,比在漫画里的他还逊。In the 'X-Men' films, he becomes even weaker, a 90-pound weakling to Wolverine's bully bravado.

如果你让别人为你思考,你愿称呼自己为没有主心骨的弱者吗?。Would you call yourself a "spineless weakling" if you permitted others to do your thinking for you?

然而,相对于传统的纸质书出版市场,电子书市场仍然是不值一提。The overall e-book market is still a 90-pound weakling next to the Asiatic elephant of print publishing.

迪德卢姆议员说,很显然威克林医生是靠欺诈才在议会上弄到一个席位。Councillor Didlum said it was very evident that Dr. Weakling had obtained his seat on that Council by false pretences.

“芬,”阿拉贝尔先生说,“养小猪的事我比你知道的多。一个体质差的小猪很难养活的。现在走开!”"Fern, " said Mr. Arable, "I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along! "

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“芬,”阿瑞博先生说道,“我比你更懂饲养一窝猪崽。一头虚弱的猪崽会制造很多麻烦。走开,快!”"Fern, " said Mr. Arable, "I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along! "

苯并冠醚的苯环具有很强的吸电子效应,降低了冠醚环上醚氧的碱度,因此减弱了其对金属离子的络合能力。Benzene ring in benzocrown ether has electron receptor effect can reduce complex ability to metal ions because of weakling the basicity of crown ether.