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下行。兽皮和蜂蜜,麦芽酒和牛油。Down. Hides and honey, ale and tallow.

一种以灯芯草茎为灯芯的动物脂肪作成的蜡烛。A tallow candle with a rush stem as the wick.

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蜡烛反复在融蜡或某种物质中浸泡而做成的蜡烛。A candle made by repeated dipping in tallow or wax.

你知不知道有关储藏室里的熏肉或牛油的故事呢?Don't you know any story about bacon, or tallow in the store-room?

你也许记得我曾经提醒你们考虑桶装兽脂。You may recall that we once drew your attention to drummed tallow.

牛脂醇可以进一步提炼成十六烷和十八烷醇。Tallow alcohol can be further refined into cetyl and stearyl alcohols.

脂肪提炼后,动物脂就漂在沸水表面。As the fat renders, the tallow will float to the surface of the boiling water.

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例如在法国,油炸食品有时候是用鸭油脂或者马脂来煮的。In France, for example, fries are sometimes cooked in duck fat or horse tallow.

清代重白玉,尤尚羊脂白玉,黄玉极少,也受到爱重。Qing heavy white, especially white tallow yet, topaz few, have also been re-love.

当不再有动物脂浮起来时,就可以把锅里的水倒掉。When the fat's boiled enough that no more tallow rises, throw out the boiling water.

院内栽植了一棵乌桕,提供了四季多变的表情。Chinese tallow tree is planted in the yard to provide seasonally changing expression.

冰箱里的动物脂最上层正在聚集成一层稠密又洁净的东西。A layer of something thick and clear is collecting on top of the tallow in the fridge.

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当死神扑灭我们的生命之焰时,凭气息即能分辨我们是蜂蜡还是牛脂。When death puts out our flame, the snuff will tell, if we were wax, or tallow by the smell.

分析了乌桕叶中的抑菌活性功能成分。The functional composition of bacteriostatic activity from Chinese tallow leaves was investigated.

越来越多的动物脂漂浮起来,直到水被一层彩虹般的小珍珠粒所覆盖。More and more tallow will rise until the water is skinned over with a rainbow mother-of-pearl layer.

吃用牛油或鸭脂做的薯条而不用植物油,你的身体状况可以更好。You’re better off eating fries cooked in beef tallow or duck fat than fries cooked in vegetable oils.

凯辛的太太想知道她到底要秤什幺,所以就在秤斗的底部涂上一些油脂。Cassim's wife wondered what she wanted to measure. So she put some tallow at the bottom of the measure.

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以软布或毛刷轻轻擦拭,可让皮革重新吸收此油蜡。Gentle polishing with a soft cloth or brush will allow the tallow to be reabsorbed back into the leather.

本文研究了用乌桕籽壳、木炭制取活性炭。In this paper, it is studied making active carbon from the fruit shell of Chinese tallow tree and charcoal.

这种刑罚用一个大锅,装满了水,油,焦油,乌桕,甚至熔化的铅。This penalty was carried out using a large cauldron filled with water, oil, tar, tallow or even molten lead.