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我漱口。I gargle.

她看著他漱口。She watched him gargle.

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用漱口水漱一下口。Gargle with this mouthwash.

你应该经常漱口。You should gargle regularly.

我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。My throat huts . Id better gargle.

这个魔鬼发出沉闷的漱口的声音。The demon let out a muffled gargle.

也可以当作漱口剂。PerioWash can also be used as a gargle.

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你应该经常用含漱液漱口。You should gargle the throat regularly.

用小苏打水来漱口可以预防溃疡。Gargle baking soda water to help with ulcers.

你需要些含漱剂来治你的喉痛。You need some gargle to relieve your sore throat.

我看这含漱剂可以治你的喉痛。I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat.

我看这含漱剂没关系治你的喉痛。I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat only.

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少说话,用鼻子呼吸,勤漱喉咙。Speak less, breathe through the nose and gargle your throat.

目的制订复方冰黄漱口剂的质量标准。Objective To work out the quality standard for compound Binghuang gargle.

将一片阿斯匹林溶化在一杯温水中,并用其漱口10-15秒。Dissolve an aspirin in a glass of warm water and gargle for 10-15 seconds.

最好在温的蒸馏水中加入一勺盐,以此漱口。The best thing to gargle is use distilled warm water with a teaspoon of salt.

喉咙痛就用一些盐水漱喉,发烧就吃一些退烧药。Gargle some salt water for your sore throat and take some tylenol for your fever.

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今天我给您开一瓶漱口药,和一包含化糖锭。I'm going to prescribe a bottle gargle solution and a packet of sucking lozenges.

暂未发现中药漱口剂的不良反应。No side effect was found with using gargle with Chinese herbal medicine presently.

10记得刷牙,亲热前请漱口或者嚼一颗薄荷糖。Brush your teeth, gargle or have a breath mint before getting up close and personal.