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参见近交系数。See coefficient of inbreeding.

近亲交配增长了灭绝的机会。Inbreeding increases the chance of extinction.

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近亲结婚将将西班牙哈普斯堡皇室引向衰退。Inbreeding seen to bring down Spain's Habsburgs.

小种群不能避免一定数量的近亲交配。Small populations cannot avoid a certain amount of inbreeding.

专家认为,小兔长两个鼻子可能是由于多次近亲繁殖引发的病变。Experts say the deformity could be the result of too much inbreeding.

如果同系繁殖不好,那么与之相反的远系繁殖就应该好。If inbreeding is bad, then the opposite – outbreeding – should be good.

他们也避免近亲交配导致不太健康的后代。And they also avoid inbreeding which can lead to less healthy offspring.

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目的准确分析贵州小型香猪种群遗传变异及近交程度。Objective To study the genetic variation and inbreeding of Guizhou miniature pigs.

盗猎、森林砍伐以及近亲繁殖造成了牠们几近灭种。Poaching, deforestation, and inbreeding have caused the near extinction of these big cats.

对照群体团头鲂与近交群体后代生长性能相当。The growth performance of inbreeding population is similar to those of control population.

此外,近亲繁殖的父母将此突变集中于后代,掩盖了原本的基因系统。But inbreeding parents can pool the mutations in offspring, oerwhelming the backup systems.

近亲繁殖的主要缺点在于集中了父母双方同样的基因缺陷。The main drawback is that inbreeding can bring together couples with the same gene defects.

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第三个很可能是由于肺结核死去的,而近亲繁殖会加大后代染上肺结核的风险。The third likely died of tuberculosis, for which inbreeding increases the contraction risk.

从近交系数增量考虑,育种群公羊使用年限最多不应超过4年。Useful life of breeding flock ram should not surpass 4 years according to inbreeding increment.

在随后近亲繁殖,我获得了高身体一个,那时是非常时兴的。In the subsequent inbreeding , I obtained high body one, which is very fashionable at that time.

采用强迫杂合性兄妹交配法繁殖,现已完成23代近交培育。Using brother-sister inbreeding with forced heterozygosity, the mice had been bred 23 generations.

近亲繁殖是公司发展的一大障碍,这是因为他们的大多数员工都是从一个或两个公司偷挖去的。Inbreeding is a big drawback from snitching most of their employees from only one or two companies.

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另外,比较MHC即比较亲缘关系,能防止近亲繁殖。Moreover, comparing MHCs could be a proxy for comparing kinship, and thus help to prevent inbreeding.

用数学方法推导出了自交作物群体遗传组成的分析公式。Mathematical formulae were developed for analyzing the genetic compositions of inbreeding populations.

采用电泳数据间接估算的近交衰退程度很高。Calculations from electrophoresis data showed that very a high inbreeding retrogression occurred in the C.