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其次,讨论了项目学习的设计及其实施。Thirdly, the design and actualization of Project-based Learning is narrated.

全息健康是生活完善身心灵命整体康泰优秀和生命理想圆满实现的状态。HoloHealth is a State of Optimal Actualization of Body, Mind, Soul and Life Fulfillment.

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第二部分是奖励扶助制度的出台。The second part is the constituting and actualization of the hortation and assist system.

他们会预期到职业的成长,一些项目会漂亮的完成。They will expect a career growth and a magnificent actualization of a number of projects.

基于GIS的微观仿真路网数据结构设计和实现。Data Structure Design and Actualization of GIS-based Micr-Simulation System of Road Network.

没有传统的束缚、没有成功带来的冲昏头脑,有的只是梦想的付诸实现。No tradition binds and no triumph retards , what existing is the actualization of our dream.

他感到,自我实现部分地是以频繁出现“高峰体验”为特征的。He felt that "self- actualization " is, in part, characterized by frequent "peak experiences.

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临床护理人员在病人自主权的实现中有不可替代的作用。Clinical nurse staff cannot be superseded in the actualization of the patients autonomy right.

现实化是指一个词从虚义概念转变为具有现实意义的词的过程。Actualization of concepts refers to the process that the virtual concepts are put into reality.

对罗杰斯来说,“自我实现”是一个自然的过程,然而它需要养育者的养育。For Rogers, "self- actualization " is a natural process, yet it requires the nurturance of a caregiver.

快乐主义普遍的发展与现实化是随着市民社会的发展而发展起来的。The widely development and actualization of hedonism develop with the development of the civic society.

佛教里讲信解行证,信是最基础的。Among faith, understanding, practice and actualization taught in Buddhism, the most fundamental is faith.

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如果“自我实现”仅仅是一个自然的过程,那么为什么还必须依赖于养育人来实现呢?If "self- actualization " is merely a natural process, then why must it depend on a caregiver for it to occur?

因此他们是否会将奖励自我实现和自我进步的文化传下去,或者是过度消费和财务赤字呢?Will they hand down a culture that rewards self actualization and improvement or over-consumption and deficit?

该权力的实施既赖于宪法的支持,也赖于其设计精巧的运作过程。The actualization of the power depends on the support of American Constitution and its elaborate operation procedure.

马斯洛的需求层次理论告诉我们,自我实现建立在食物、安全、房子的基础之上。Maslow’s hierarchy of needs teaches us that food, safety and a roof over our heads all come before "self actualization".

银川市丰富的声场播放效果和良好的表达力得到了保证,紧凑型扬声器系统,欧洲的口味。Actualization of rich sound field playback and fine expression power was assured compact speaker system of european taste.

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本文从格式塔意象再造的理论视角研究古典文学作品的英译问题。The thesis deals with Chinese-English translation problems in Chinese classical works from a perspective of image-G actualization.

传感反射以加速度计、振动陀螺仪、力传感器获得的信息为依据,通过上体姿态控制、ZMP控制和落地时间控制实现传感反射控制。It describes actualization of a sensory reflex, which consists of a body posture control, an ZMP control and a landing time control.

在你开始养成支撑性的习惯和常规之前,你必须知道你要实现什么类型的目标。Before you can start building supportive habits and routines, you have to know what types of actualization you’re wanting to support.