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这是措辞的失误。This is wrong wording.

措辞谨慎可使意义清楚。Careful wording aids clearness.

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表达方式要克制。Control your manner of wording.

学会了一些字模的字眼。Have learned a few matrixes wording.

这不只是个提法问题。This is not merely a matter of wording.

我们已经更新了措辞揭示这一点。We’ve updated the wording to reflect that.

这种措词可能会引出歧义。The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.

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我们对协议的措词有不同意见。We disagreed over the wording of the agreement.

我们应该对此条重新考虑,推敲一下措词。We should reconsider it and weight the wording.

好吧,一个折中的方案就是修改文字措辞。OK, a compromise would be to change the wording.

当您对自己的信息开始措辞的时候,少便是多。When it comes to wording your message, less is more.

当讨论体重的时候要注意你的用词。Be aware of the wording you use when discussing weight.

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你的措辞比你的竞争对手更有吸引力吗?Is your wording more compelling than your competition’s?

该问题似乎部分是在措辞方面。It would seem that part of the problem is in the wording.

对于言辞的漠不关心是我们独有的症状。Our indifference to wording is a symptom of our expertise.

同时,密切注意广告的措辞和图像。Pay close attention to advertising wording and images, too.

该法令的措辞成为争论的焦点。The wording of this statute was the subject of controversy.

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即使是这些内容相同的,在语言上也有所不同。And even those, which do overlap in content, vary in wording.

双方仍就他的文件初稿里的最新措辞犹豫不决。Both sides still balk at his draft document's latest wording.

他们就文电的措辞发生了激烈的争执。They came into sharp conflict over the wording of the message.