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伊玛目清真寺的圆顶。Dome of Eman Mosque.

扎耶德清真寺夜晚。Sheikh Zayed Mosque at Night.

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兰州,清真寺里的穆斯林。Lanchow. Hadji at chief mosque.

沙迦海滨的一座清真寺。A mosque at the Sharjah corniche.

穆罕默德阿里清真寺充满血腥味。Mehemet Ali's mosque smells of blood.

这是伊宁市最大的清真寺。Daniel, look. This is Beytulla Mosque.

恩图曼干道上的大清真寺。Big Mosque on the main road of Omdurman.

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阿勒颇大清真寺里做礼拜的穆斯林祈祷者。Salah Muslim prayer, Aleppo Great Mosque.

一座红色砂岩清真寺耸立在一旁。A red sandstone mosque stands on one side.

也许是清真寺的屋顶需要修补了吧。Perhaps the mosque roof was in need of repair.

悲伤欲绝的土耳其家庭在埃尔吉希县清真寺外哭泣。Grieving families cried outside an Ercis mosque.

伦敦,一名男子在清真寺上祈祷。A man prays at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London.

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在回教教堂内穿鞋子是亵渎神圣的。It is sacrilegious to wear shoes inside a mosque.

该清真寺内设立有青海阿横伊斯兰教经学院。It has a Heng Islam Yeshiva of Qinghai in this mosque.

将清真寺的水重新用于灌溉也门干涸的田地。Mosque water is reused to irrigate Yemen's dry fields.

你会去教堂,犹太教会,或者清真寺吗?Would you go to church or the synagogue or the mosque?

恬静的倒影池和蓝色的-平铺的清真寺在伊朗。Tranquil reflecting pool and blue-tiled mosque in Iran.

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还可以到苏丹花钱建造的新清真寺参观。You also can visit the new mosque paid for by the Sultan.

黄昏时一次空袭打死了清真寺里的5个人。An air strike killed five people in a mosque as dusk fell.

伊斯兰式的尖塔倒塌在清真寺的楼顶。A minaret lays crumbled on the rooftop of the local mosque.