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我们是这样的快乐,我们的爱情根本不可动摇。We were so happy, our love unshakable.

然而冈萨雷斯的职位似乎不可动摇。Yet the embattled Gonzales' grip on his job seems unshakable.

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作品的归属通常是一种假定,而非不可动摇的事实。Attributions can often be hypotheses rather than unshakable facts.

她既有天生的谦恭有礼的举止,又有坚定不移的信念。She had a natural courtesy combined with an unshakable conviction.

东方明珠岿然不动地屹立在浦东新区。The " East Bright Pearl" stands erect and unshakable in Pudong, Shanghai.

奥巴马说,以色列和美国之间的关系是不可动摇的。Mr. Obama said the bond between Israel and the United States is unshakable.

中国人民捍卫自己核心利益的决心是坚不可摧的。The Chinese people have an unshakable determination to defend our core interests.

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起初,这些产品只是令人感兴趣,但不久之后,它们都成为了不可动摇的业界霸主。At first, these were curiosities. They'd soon become unshakable industry behemoths.

变得不可动摇意味着别让人和别的情况迫使你回应。Being unshakable means not letting people and other situations get a reaction from you.

作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,其重要作用不言而喻。As an unshakable creed of classical contract law, its important function is self-evident.

当你培养了不可憾动的自信,你的整个世界都会变得更好。When you develop unshakable self-confidence, your whole world will change for the better.

是官·管一家,还是我们的有关部门要坚定不移的压榨我们?It is officer that in charge of one, or related departments of us want pressing wing unshakable?

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经过多年的适应,大多数人已经对列车时刻表形成了坚定不移的信念。After years of conditioning, most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables.

经过多年的适应,大多数人对火车时刻表产生了一种不可动摇的信念。After years of conditioning, most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables.

统治俄国的罗曼诺夫家族的宫殿象征着沙皇不可动摇的统治。The palace of the ruling Romanovs stands a resolute symbol of the unshakable domination of the Czars.

经过多年的适应,大多数人对火车时刻表产生了一种不可动摇的信念。After years of pre-conditioning, most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway time-tables.

二战后,西方工业和民主制的统治看起来不可动摇。After the Second World War the dominance of the industrial democracies of the west had looked unshakable.

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下方红色字体写的是“阿-苏友谊坚定不移”,重申了1978年两国签订的友好条约。The text reads "Strong be the unshakable Afghan-Soviet friendship," reiterating a 1978 friendship treaty.

下方红色字体写的是“阿-苏友谊坚定不移”,重申了1978年两国签订的友好条约。The text reads "Strong be the unshakable Afghan-Soviet friendship, " reiterating a 1978 friendship treaty.

这一突破证实了印度政府不可动摇的决心及其令人钦佩的创新精神。This breakthrough affirms the unshakable resolve of the Government of India and its formidable spirit of innovation.