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你需要的其实就是“盈盈一握”。A handful is all you need.

大概一只足便能足数完?There are maybe a handful?

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在刚才我们提到的那些少数的地方?In that handful of markets?

路易丝捧着一掌雨水。And Louise holds a handful of rain.

那我去拿一把沙子搓搓看。Let's take a handful of sand and rub it.

这个法术召唤少量行刑吏。This spell summons a handful of Lictors.

抓一把而知全袋,窥一斑以见全豹。You may know by a handful the whole sack.

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夏玛孙达尔帕布给他取了一捧水。Syamasundara prabhu brought him a handful.

那是少数人,是右派。They are only a handful and are Rightists.

只有极少数人。Very few people, just a handful of people.

她给阿诺德先生带来一把花。She brought a handful flowers to Mr. Arnold.

他们只不过是其中的一小撮。They constitute but a handful of the number.

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一撮土,一口气,你就有了亚当。A handful of dirt, a breath, and behold Adam.

该港口只雇有少数几名检查人员。The port only employs a handful of inspectors.

因此,大部分供应来自少数几个矿场。Most supply thus comes from a handful of mines.

我们约请了12人,但只要几团体来。We invited 12, but only a handful of them came.

一把黄土,是否还依然纯美芳香?A handful of loess, whether still pure fragrance?

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兜售一把药可能引来15年监禁。Peddling a handful can lead to a 15-year sentence.

工人们正在铸造一座不锈钢的胸像。The handful of them often went on a bust together.

国家由一小撮封建集团统治着。The state is ruled by a handful of feudal satraps.