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阿戈娜意为“受束缚的妻子”。Agunah means "the fettered wife".

王被这下垂的发绺监禁了。The king is fettered by your tresses.

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王的心因这下垂的发绺系住了。The king is fettered by your tresses.

我讨厌受清规戒律的束缚.I hate being fettered by petty rules and regulations.

现在终于明白,其实爱你,就不应该束缚你。Now we finally understand that love you, you should not be fettered.

现在终于明白,其实爱你,就不应该束缚你。Now finally understand that, in fact, love you, you should not be fettered.

当我们受这一情感的牵绊时,它会严重干挠我们的生活。As we are fettered by this kind of feeling, it will badly influence our life.

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人绳索和束缚了灵魂,但是他在爱的面前完全无助。Man has chained and fettered the spirit, but he has been utterly helpless before love.

宽恕让人从怨恨中解脱出来,而怨恨则让人束缚在过去中。Forgiveness is emancipation from chains of resentment that keep one fettered to the past.

想一想,从早晨到晚上,我们之所以不快乐,是因为我们被无形的绳索所束缚住了。Just think, the reason why we are not happy from dawn till dusk is being fettered by invisible ropes.

其目的就是要人们实事求是,从程朱理学的束缚中解脱出来。He did this in order to seek truth from facts and be fettered by a Confucian school of idealist philosophy.

我们反对旧社会、旧制度,就是因为它是压迫人民的,是束缚社会生产力发展的。We oppose the old society and the old system because they oppressed the people and fettered the productive forces.

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什么是世界的束缚?怎样考察它?抛弃什么,才是人们所说的涅磐?With what is the world fettered? With what is it examined? Through the abandoning of what is there said to be Unbinding?

甚至预测中自由的商业活动和国际贸易的经济利益也并不总是显而易见。Even the predicted economic benefits of less fettered commercial activity and international trade are not always easy to see.

当然,他们还生活在洞穴中,可已经不再被不可靠和未经检验的观念完全束缚。They still live in the cave, to be sure, but they have ceased to be helplessly fettered to dubious and unexamined conceptions.

欢喜是世界的束缚,通过思想考察它,抛弃贪爱便是人们所说的涅磐。With delight the world's fettered. With directed thought it's examined. Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.

更以行万里路的广阔视野唤醒蒙昧的群众,尤其是被桎梏在传统价值观的广大女性同胞。Having broad perspective after such a long journey, she has awakened many Chinese women who were fettered by the traditional values and obscurantism.

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我们日常的生活通常是在一系列的习惯下完成的,受束于日积月累的前行恶习。Our daily lives are often a series of habits played out through the day, a trammeled existence fettered by the slow accretion of our previous actions.

通过实验展示在该控制系统的作用下,利用直流电机带动束缚在机器人表面绳索的收缩,可实现驱动仿阿米巴机器人的运动。Finally the experiment showed the feasibility that the Amoeba-like robot can move actuated by the contraction of the rope fettered on the body of the robot.

亿万中国妇女从过去倍受压抑和桎梏的群体变成了国家、社会和自己命运的主人。Hundreds of millions of Chinese women are no longer the oppressed and fettered group of the past, but masters of the country, the society and their own destiny.