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这对德国空军来说是一次明显的惨败。This was a recognizable disaster to the German Air Force.

皮肤、粘膜等未见出血现象。Recognizable hemorrhage in skin and mucosa were notobserved.

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目前的摄像设备依靠镜头来产生可辨认的图像信号。Current cameras rely on lenses to produce a recognizable image.

LiveJournal也许是这些早期网站中最为人熟知的。LiveJournal is probably the most recognizable of the early sites.

你们认为他是你们之中辨识度最高的名人吗?Would you say he's the most recognizable celebrity out of the group?

或许唯一能勾起回忆的就是他那标志性的发型。Perhaps the only thing that`s recognizable is his signature hairstyle.

就拿美国人最熟悉的金枪鱼来说吧。Take maguro, the tuna whose sashimi is most recognizable to Americans.

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这种相互的改变在语言层次上尤其明显。This interchange is particularly recognizable at the level of language.

她以高调刺耳的声音让人们一下子记住了蓝妹妹。She gave her character a very recognizable high-pitched yet raspy voice.

事实上,李兴丽是在跟三位很著名的演员一起拍戏。Ms. Li, in fact, is working alongside three very recognizable actors. Mr.

碧姬·芭铎“性感小野猫”的形象最为人熟知。It was Brigitte Bardot's "sex kitten" image that made her so recognizable.

这些工作人员必须佩戴特殊的证章或者穿制服使之容易被辨认。These personnel must be easily recognizable by distinctive badge or uniform.

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在靠近马和接触马的时候说说话或者发出可以辨认的声音。Speak or make a recognizable noise before approaching or touching the animal.

而华为是目前该名单中最不为国际人士所知的名字。Yet Huawei is by far the least internationally recognizable name on the list.

在林冠层可以清楚地看到互相保护免遭风害的作用。Mutual protection against wind is distinctly recognizable at the crown canopy.

开发者可以加入标签,立即获得一个可以识别的用户界面的元素。Developers can include the tag and have an immediately recognizable UI element.

反对阵营承认由史达林描绘的党政机构吗?Are the opposition recognizable as members of the same party described by Stalin ?

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他也是中国的亲善大使,全世界最为人熟知的中国人。He is also China's goodwill ambassador, the most recognizable face of China overseas.

模仿是动物界最常见和最容易认知的的行为。Imitation is one of the most common and recognizable behaviors in the animal kingdom.

与塞斯·罗根之前的喜剧表演一样,这次的配音充满了他的个人风格。It’s a classic Rogen performance, as recognizable as any of his live-action comedies.