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乌列尔发扬慈悲与和平。Uriel promotes compassion and peace.

乌利尔,圣天使之一,掌管世界与地狱。Uriel , one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus.

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乌列尔据说在大天使中是最机智的。Uriel is described as being the swiftest in wisdom of all the Archangels.

麦可是四大天使中之一,其他三位分别为拉斐尔、加百列与乌列尔。Michael is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel.

我是乌列尔,前来重新定义什么是结局,并来提醒你们许诺正发生在你们身上。欣喜吧。I am Uriel come to redefine what the end means and to remind you that this promise is upon you now. Rejoice.

乌利尔阿顿在这儿,光,我说,坚持和保持这些座椅安全带绑在颠簸的车程而定。Uriel here in the Light of Aton, I say hold on and keep those seat belts strapped for the ride may be bumpy.

与加百列和约菲尔一样,亚列尔有时候被看做是女性,有时候也常与乌列尔混淆。Just like Gabriel and Jophiel , Ariel is sometimes referred to as a female. He is sometimes confused with the Archangel Uriel.

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乌列尔常与代表自然、野生动物、勇气的亚列尔混淆,祂也是大地精灵的看护者。Uriel is often confused with Ariel, the Angel of nature, wild beasts, and courage, who is also credited as the overseer of the earth spirits.

乌列是犹太人被放逐到巴比伦后的希伯莱传统的大天使之一,也存在于某些基督教传统中。他的名字也许类似于乌利亚。Uriel is one of the archangels of post-Exilic Rabbinic tradition, and also of certain Christian traditions. His name may have analogies with Uriah.

乌列尔被认为是当发生天然灾害时来帮助我们的天使,召唤祂来避免灾害或者在灾后疗愈、重整。Uriel is considered the Angel who helps us with natural disasters and is called for to avert such events, or to heal and recover in their aftermath.

不过,乌列现在有了一个计划可以绕过这块大石头,通过集合昊天使,这些出生在和约签订之后的新生代天使,乌列将会展开自己的远征。Uriel, however, has plotted a course around this hard rock by rallying the Celestials, a new generation of Angels born since the pact. Uriel will have his crusade.

在其中一张电子点餐桌上,年轻的IT工程师吉尔•乌力尔正与家人一起兴致勃勃地浏览菜肴的图片、讨论点哪些甜品。At one of the e-Menu tables, information technology worker Gil Uriel and his young family were enthusiastic as they checked out pictures of the dishes on offer and squabbled over desserts.