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这种犁耕地不沾泥。This plow sours well.

那时的犁是用马拉的。the farm plow was horse-drawn.

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我是犁耙,你就是土地。I am the plow and you the land.

被犁断的蛀虫原谅犁头。The cut worm forgives the plow.

黄金宝石饰锄犁。When gold and gems adorn the plow.

好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。Good non-stop, good cattle kept plow.

那个农民把一对牛套在犁上。The famer yoked the oxen to the plow.

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一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen.

有个贫穷的村民决定去犁地。A poor farmer decided to plow the field.

直角犁尖雨和泥去除。Angled plow tip for rain and mud removal.

他把一匹马和一头牛套在犁上。He teamed one horse and one cow to a plow.

玉米收获后耕翻冬灌,消灭越冬螨体。Plow and irrigate in winter after harvest.

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一片田地上你看不到犁车。That field of corn, would never see a plow.

那铁匠技术娴熟地锻造马的蹄铁。The smith forged the plow with great skill.

农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。Farmers occasionally plow up landman relics.

一匹马一头牛被套在犁上。One horse and one cow were teamed to a plow.

推土铲是液压的,它能产生3吨的推力。The plow is hydraulic. It has a 3 ton capacity.

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不可用大象来犁棉花田。Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields.

最后一场霜过后,我们将马上犁地。We will plow the field soon after the last frost.

农民在种庄稼前必须犁地。A farmer must plow the land before planting crops.