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溪水发出的优美声音让我陶醉。The dulcet sound of the stream ravishes me.

幸好,我把这些欢笑都用手机拍下来了。Luckily, I shoot the dulcet time by my cell.

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内心深处的幸福是世界上最美妙的。The inmost happiness is the most dulcet in the world.

让他拥有他的第一次吧,那是新奇而美妙的。Let him have his first time, that is amazing and dulcet.

离得越远越动听的音乐,才是最美妙的音乐。The most dulcet music comes from further while it's more pleasant.

我想我听出了你那美妙的嗓音。I thought I recognized your dulcet tones, IE the sound of your voice.

画面展现给观众的是有趣的、美妙的、耳目一新的艺术效果。The paintings show the interesting, dulcet and brand new artistic effects to the viewers.

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这种美妙的自由度为清唱与影像熨帖地结合奠定了坚实的基础。This dulcet freedom establishes a firm foundation of the combination of the Pasonic and image.

百灵鸟用婉转的歌声给动物们献上了精彩的演出。Lark used dulcet singing offered wonderful performance for animals. The lion king was very happy.

窗外,天空碧蓝,鸟儿在歌唱,令人难以置信的好听,听起来,他们是那么高兴。Outside, sky is clean blue, birds are singings amazing dulcet , it seems to me that they are happy.

其实我挺乐意一边欣赏缅因州乐队的美妙旋律,一边和共和党的战争贩子交换低俗的玩笑。I'd love to savor the dulcet tones of the Marine Band while swapping off-color jokes with a high-level Republican war criminal.

端午节,还要在门上挂艾叶和蒿草,妈妈说那是避邪和驱蚊虫的,那种清香味可以保持很长时间。The beautiful custom remind me of dulcet imagines. We also suspend the artemisia over the door to against the evil and the mosquito.

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风味独特的客家菜广受食客欢迎,其香、浓、鲜的特点一直为食家称道。With distinctive flavour, Hakka dishes enjoy great popularity, featuring a characteristic of being dulcet , rich and fresh well praised by gastronomists.

有趣的故事,悦耳的歌曲、温馨的人情、天真无邪的笑料,构成了这部曾打破影史上最高卖座纪录的歌舞片。The amusing story, the dulcet music, the worm human relationship and the dovelike jokes which inscaped this film had drawn it the audience record as a musical comedy.

倘若真是芒得极小期造就了史特拉底瓦里名琴无与伦比的音色,那麽未来的小提琴或许再也无法拉奏出如此美妙动人的乐音。If indeed the Maunder Minimum led to the superlative sounds of the Stradivarius instruments, then it might appear that future violins would never produce similarly dulcet tones.

本实用新型还可用来增强少儿观察物理现象的能力及利用风能的意识。The utility model can send out dulcet sound with the kite and can be used for enhancing the observing ability of physical phenomena and the wind energy utilizing consciousness of children.

这个配音版没有了亚历克·吉尼斯和詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯的优美悦耳的语音,但是秋巴卡和R2D2的华丽表演也算是不错的补偿。This dubbed version may have lacked the dulcet tones of Alec Guinness and James Earl Jones but that was more than compensated by the bravura performances of the actors playing Chewbacca and R2D2.