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这里的风水就是好。The geomantic omen here is just fantastic.

风水文化是中国传统文化的一部分。Geomantic culture is a part of Chinese traditional culture.

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古代思想家孔子、孟子对风水都有一套成熟的学说。Archaic ideologist Confucius, Mencius is right geomantic the theory that has a maturity.

据他介绍,这是由于日本和韩国要求在评审组中加入一位风水顾问。According to his describe, it is Janpan and Korea's demand to add a geomantic advisor into the group.

这里气候温和,土地肥沃,金城环抱,是藏风聚气的风水宝地。It is a geomantic omen precious place, where climate is mild, land is fecund and golden walls surround.

风水文化的兴盛与客家民系的形成和发展是息息相关的。The rise and fall of geomantic culture has much to do with the formation and development of Hakka People.

传统的风水选址与生态场地设计中存在着某种必然联系。There are some necessary relationships between traditional geomantic site selection and ecological site design.

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葫芦的形状与太极阴阳极为贴近,在风水上也有化煞之用。The gourd is extremely close to shape and tai chi Yin and Yang, is in geomantic go up to also have the evil spirit.

看看是否有任何大的建筑物或是障碍物对着你,并且产生风水学中所指的“暗箭煞”。See if there is any big buildings or obstacles to you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake.

凌云山,探索研究中国风水文化,宗教文化和体验川北农耕文化的灵山宝地。Mt. Lingyun, a fairy land to research Chinese geomantic culture and religion culture and get a taste of aerial farming.

宋代阴阳堪舆术影响甚盛,陵寝制度深受其影响。The geomantic omen doctrine was very current in North Song dynasty and had much influence on the mausoleum system then.

风水学宜忌篇中非凡强调反光为大凶,称反光煞。Geomantic avoid learning appropriate piece in emphasize glancing particularly for big fierce, say to glance evil spirit.

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看看是否有任何大的建筑物或是碍物对著你,并且产生风水学中所指的「暗箭煞」。See if there is any big buildings or hinder the things you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake.

当相关关系的原因未知时,风水先生试图作出风水预兆。所以,就力所不及了。When the reasons of the co-relations were unknown, geomencers tried to make geomantic omens . Thus, the use was out of its power.

最近几天他都在选新房子,但是选来选去,从风水角度上看,都没有符合他心中“完美”的房子。" In recent days, he was elected a new house, but choose to choose to, from geomantic terms, his heart no "perfect" with the house.

遵从“过去有益于将来的发展”的信念,采取理性态度去对待和研究中国风水文化。Discarding the dross and selecting the essence is the rational attitude towards the approach and study of Chinese geomantic culture.

同时风水学和造园学、营造学一起作为古代三大建筑理论。Geomantic Omen theory is concerned as one of three old architecture theories together with gardening theory and construction theory.

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光线和风,会对家居的氛围产生影响,从而影响人的心情和健康,这就是风水。Radial zephyr , can produce an effect to the atmosphere of household, affect the person's mood and health thereby, this is geomantic.

风水信仰虽意在求得福吉,但亦包含与特定的山川地理相适应的合理成分。Religion of geomantic omen looks for happiness and luck, but it includes some rational elements of adaptation with special geography.

总结了古代庄园“隐逸文化”、山水田园文化以及“天人合一”思想和风水文化。This paper summarized the seclusion culture of the ancient manor, landscape and idyll culture, ideal of nature and geomantic culture.