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其特征性病理变化是空泡状细胞。The characteristic pathological changes are vacuole like cells.

花色苷体的存在可导致液泡的强烈色彩。The emergence of ACP can provide intense coloration in the vacuole.

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单一、大伸缩泡位于口围缘的下方。Single contractile vacuole large, situated underneath peristomial lip.

肠上皮细胞的线粒体空泡化。Mitochondria dissolved into vacuole in intestinal mucous membrane epithelial cells.

虫体经胞口摄食,食物泡由单层膜包绕,内有疟色素。The food vacuole was surrounded by one membrane and the malarial pigment was found.

在该过程中,贮存在液泡中的是“拖车和卡车”的混合物。In terms of the process, it is the "truck and trailer" complex that is stored in the vacuole.

在大多数植物中,花色苷在绝大多数情况下完全溶解在液泡里。In a wide range of plant species and in most cases, anthocyanins dissolve completely in vacuole.

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消化泡以大鼠、小鼠、兔和猴的数量最多,狗和猫的较少。The digestive vacuole was more numerous in rats, mice, rabbits and monkeys than in dogs and cats.

产蜜组织在发育过程中,细胞中的液泡体积及淀粉粒呈现有规律的消长变化。During the development of nectariferous tissue, both the vacuole and starch grains changed regularly.

花色苷液泡包涵体的存在可增加液泡色彩的强度并导致“蓝化”。The emergence of AVI can enhance color intensity and results in the "blueness" of color in the vacuole.

并用近似最短连接法对破碎的空泡核进行修补连接。In the meantime, restore and connect broken vacuole nucleuses with approximately nearest connection algorithm.

液泡中深染色的物质可能是细胞被消化后各种物质的混合物。The dark fibrilar substance in the vacuole might be a mixture of various substance after digested from the cell.

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而非胚性愈伤组织由无规则状态的细胞组成,高度液泡化,胞质稀少。While the non-embryogenic calli consisted of non-regular shaped cells with big central vacuole and thin cytoplasm.

本发明公开了一种茶树液泡致电的质子泵三磷酸腺苷酶表达序列标签及其生物芯片。A specific expressive sequential label of vacuole proton pump apysase of tea tree and their biochips are disclosed.

许多成熟植物细胞有一个中央大液泡,它使细胞质被挤成外围的一薄层结构。Many mature plant cells have a single large central vacuole that confines the cytoplasm to a thin peripheral layer.

当油网、油杯脏了,可用中性清洁液泡20分钟,再用清水冲净即可。When oily net, grease cup dirty, can use neuter and clean vacuole 20 minutes, reoccupy clear water is strong clean can.

吸器母细胞细胞质逐渐空泡化后丧失其生理功能。The cytoplasm were degraded into central vacuole gradually and haustorial mother cells lost their physiological function.

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细胞具有主要由纤维素多糖组成的细胞壁,细胞内除细胞质外,还有液泡。The cells have a cell wall made predominantly of the polysaccharide cellulose, and a vacuole in addition to the cytoplasm.

非胚性愈伤组织细胞的ATP酶定位于液泡,与液泡的水解功能有关。In the cells of non-embryogenic calli, ATPase located in vacuoles and involved in the function of the hydrolysis of vacuole.

肠绒毛上皮细胞内空泡变性,内质网中有多及轮状病毒颗拉。In the intestinal villus epithelial cell the vacuole denaturates, in the endoplasmic reticulum has many and annular viral pulls.