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这种算法被称为掠夺交易。This is called predatory trading.

掠夺成性的女暴发户们的客厅。The drawing-rooms of predatory new-rich women.

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要责怪那些掠夺性强的人,自恋者,反社会的人等很容易,这是美国的方式。It would be easy to blame predatory people. Narcissists.

吃其它鱼类为生的掠食性鱼也会累积污染物。Predatory fish that eat other fish also build up contaminants.

世界上只有非掠夺性的谋解放的战争,才是正义的战争。The only just wars are non- predatory wars, wars of liberation.

东半球温暖地区的象猫的小型食肉哺乳动物。Small catlike predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World.

它有两排尖牙,这种肉食动物也非常令人恐惧。And with two rows of teeth, the predatory fish is also terrifying.

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这是被称作掠夺交易,并且是一项规模很大的业务。That's known as predatory trading, and it's a very large business.

“狩猎本能”不再作用于熊形态和巨熊形态。Predatory Instincts doesn't work with Bear and Dire Bear form anymore.

蜘蛛类的相对丰盛度远远高于捕食性昆虫类。The abundance of spiders was far higher than that of predatory insects.

植食性昆虫较捕食性和中性昆虫多。Phytophagous insects were more abundant than predatory and neutral insects.

它们呆在浅水里以躲避被大鱼盯上而捕食。They lie in shallow water to escape the predatory attention of bigger fish.

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对于部分幸运的囤积者们,这是洋洋得意并大肆朵颐的天赐良机。For the few lucky hoarders , this is a time to feel both smug and predatory.

而且,在今天这个哀鸿遍野的世界上,实话说了吧,这种政策是掠夺性的。And in today's depressed world, that policy is, to put it bluntly, predatory.

在今天衰退的世界,这种政策是爽直的,掠夺性的。And in today's depressed world, that policy is, to put it bluntly, predatory.

山姆钟情于海洋所谓“丑陋”和弱肉强食的一面。Sam's interest tends towards the reputedly 'ugly' and predatory side of the sea.

而且那儿除了澳洲野狗外,也没别的食肉动物控制他们。Other then the dingoes there was no other predatory animal to keep them in check.

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过度捕捞金枪鱼和其它的食内鱼类造成了乌贼的泛滥。But heavy fishing for tuna and other predatory fish is allowing the squid to flourish.

异龙是最大的掠夺性恐龙的晚侏罗纪期间在北美地区。Allosaurus was the top predatory dinosaur of the late Jurassic period in North America.

中华微刺盲蝽是一种重要的捕食性天敌,在华南地区分布极为普遍。Campylomma chinensis Schuh is a predatory mirid bug and is very common in Southern China.