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啊,这座土堆就是陵墓啊?Is this mound the mausoleum?

没想到这里还有这么大的敖包。There is such a huge Obo mound.

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这个土丘可做我们的掩蔽物。The mound can be used as our screen.

风把雪吹集成了一堆。Wind swept the snow up into a mound.

土丘上凿洞很容易。It was easy to pick holes in the mound.

风把沙子吹拢成一个小丘。The wind swept up the sand into a mound.

我们身后的这座土堆就像金字塔。The mound behind us looks like a pyramid.

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希望大家丛冢学习到有用的东西。We hope to learn Cong mound useful things.

发现一堆毛发下隐藏着什么东西。Discovering anything buried in a mound of hair.

可是后来,我却谨谨慎慎地将绿色的草土铺在土墩上面。Over the mound I carefully laid the green sods.

冢本拿到大鼎后将邬家满门灭口。The mound to the big house ManMen after wu kill.

这个箭垛是附近的村民立在这里的。This arrow mound was erected by local villagers.

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但当他不在投手丘上,他是一个好孩子。But when he's not on the mound , he's a great kid.

那你知道这箭垛是干什么用的吗?Then do you know what this arrow mound is used for?

它的坟头没有墓碑,只有一棵绿绿的小草。Its grave mound no tombstone, only a dazzling grass.

他张开手,露出了一堆宝贝似的银币。Opening his fist, he exposed a mound of silver coins.

直想带你回家,跟你的爱巢好好搞一把。I can't wait to get you home and pump your love mound.

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当初的挖掘现场已经被一大块石堆给覆盖住了。The excavation was covered by a large mound of stones.

Mound-building文化范围和影响上都传播开了。Mound building cultures spread out in size and importance.

巢穴土丘巡逻蚂蚁或许也评估溼度和气温。Nest mound patrollers may assess humidity and temperature.