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中途可以下车吗?Can I stopover with this ticket?

在新加坡停留,不允许超过24小时。Stopover in SIN More than 24hours is not allowed.

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我们只在奥芝的途中小住了两晚。We only stayed two nights as a stopover on our way to Oz.

先生,您想订一张去洛杉矶的联程航班对吗?You'll make one stopover during your trip to Los Angeles, sir.

小鹰号在2005年感恩节曾在香港停泊过。The Kitty Hawk visited there for a Thanksgiving stopover in 2005.

偶的航班预定是在马洛卡停一下然后再飞到汉堡。My flight was scheduled to stopover in Mallorca and then continue to Hamburg.

齐齐哈尔市铁峰区长沟村是白头鹤南北迁徙的停歇地。Changgou Village in Qiqihaar City, China is the stopover site of Hooded Crane.

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还有,迪拜的机场是大多数从欧洲飞往亚洲和澳大利亚的飞机中途停留的场所。Its airport is the main stopover for planes from Europe to Asia and Australia.

在这一天的行程中,中午饭将是在一个叫Narok的中央停止野餐。You will have a picnic lunch stopover in Narok, before proceeding to Masai Mara.

这样的话,你会遇到伙伴,因为每年大约有500,000只往北飞的沙丘鹤中途会在同一地点停留。If so, you’d have company. About 500,000 northbound sandhills make the same stopover every year.

共有六位部长级火炬手参与传递活动,成为迄今规格最高的一站。Six Tanzanian ministers acted as torchbearers, making it the highest-profile stopover up to now.

我们去欧洲路上的中途休息是在克拉码头百乐酒店度过的,这里是我对这一酒店的印象。We stayed in PHCQ during our stopover on the way to Europe, here is my impression of the property.

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卡特总统一行过境北京期间,是否与中方官员举行会见?Did President Carter and his delegation meet with Chinese officials during his stopover in Beijing?

冰岛和中国实在是相距遥远,我们乘飞机经停哥本哈根化了近14小时才到达雷克雅未克。Iceland is really far away from China. We spent about 14 hours by air and stopover in Copenhagen to reach Reykjavik.

想象一下,火星可以作为一个补给水和燃料的中转站,同时判断一下火星上是否有生命存在。Imagine using Mars as a stopover point for water and refueling. As for determining whether life ever existed on Mars.

“中途分程”是指在您的旅行中事先约定在某一地点的停留,该地点位于您旅行的出发地点和目的地点之间。"Stopover" means a scheduled stop on your journey at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination.

到悉尼只停留了一夜,酒店是步行至乌节路和植物园的理想位置。Stayed only one night as stopover to Sydney. Hotel in ideal position for walking to Orchard Road and the Botanical Gardens.

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机场人员说,这架运输机是从香港飞往伊斯坦布尔的,中途准备在玛纳斯机场停留。According to the airport administration, the plane was making a stopover at Manas on its way from Hong Kong to Istanbul, Turkey.

中途停歇地是迁徙鸟类在繁殖地和非繁殖地之间的联系枢纽,对于迁徙鸟类完成其完整的生活史过程具有重要作用。As connections between breeding and non-breeding grounds, stopover sites are of importance for the whole life history of migrants.

城市化或农业毁掉栖息地可能毁掉迁徙的中途停留地,并把更多的动物驱赶到少数剩下的地点。Destruction of habitats by urbanisation or agriculture can eliminate stopover areas and herd more animals to the few remaining sites.