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你光芒四射。You were radiant.

妈妈脸上泛出自豪的光芒。Mama's face was radiant with pride.

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于是那母亲的惨白面容也开朗了。And the mother's pale face grew radiant.

修剪下来两朵玫瑰依旧艳光四射。Two roses from pruning are still radiant.

辐射能也称作光能。Radiant energy is also called light energy.

阳春三月,莺飞草长。In March, radiant and enchanting spring scene.

所有的辐射能都具有波的特征。All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics.

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可以设计为大型辐射屏。Can be manifolded to provide a large radiant panel.

戏剧已经成为吴朱红生活中最闪亮的部分。Drama has become the most radiant part of her life.

听了这个好消息,她的脸上乐开了花。Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.

橙色太平洋水母像明星一样光彩照人。The orange Pacific sea nettle is radiant as a star.

当我借钱给她时,她真是喜行于色。She was radiant with joy when I lent her some money.

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水磨石地板还能液体循环辐射加热。Terrazzo flooring contains hydronic radiant heating.

青年累代承未来,城市连年添华彩。Young heirs to future-hold, city grows more radiant.

当我请求她嫁给我时,她真是喜行于色。She was radiant with joy when I asked her to marry me.

那个报幕员嗓音柔和、笑容灿烂。The advertiser has a gentle voice and a radiant smile.

高辐射功率的光束会有高的发散度。A beam of high radiant power will have high divergence.

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加热设备,远红外线式,工业用。Heating panels, electric, radiant infrared, industrial.

与水化合,抚平和柔亮肤色。Hydrate, smooth and plump for a soft radiant complexion.

全地充满了我耀眼夺目的美丽,全地满是我的荣光!T he whole earth is full of My radiant beauty--My Glory!