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你喜欢菜花吗?Do you like cauliflower?

把花椰菜撕成小朵。Break the cauliflower into florets.

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她买了一个菜花和一些胡萝卜。She bought a cauliflower and some carrots.

我的玫瑰和菜花什么时候会送出呢?When will I send my rose and cauliflower ?!

将椰菜花及西兰花铺放于焗盘中。Spread cauliflower and broccoli in baking tray.

我们的菜花这么好,还怕没人买?Our cauliflower is so good, why fear nobody buy?

请给我花椰菜而不要马铃薯泥可以吗?Could I have cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes?

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那么我要牛肉片炒花椰菜。I'll have the fillet of beef then, with cauliflower.

打过架以后,他的两只眼睛被打青了,一只耳朵被打肿了。After the fight he had two black eyes and a cauliflower ear.

结果那狗开始狂拉稀。It turns out cauliflower gives their dog explosive diarrhea.

菜花用纸箱包装,内衬保鲜袋。Cauliflower are packed in cartons lined with fresh-kept bags.

把菜花掰成一块块小花,然后仔细把它们洗干净。Divide the cauliflower into florets and wash them thoroughly.

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我们的菜花经过一天日晒,早已毫无优势了。Our cauliflower after a day of insolation, had no advantages.

译成大白话就是“甘蓝识了字,就叫花菜了”。Cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education.

菜花可以生吃,蒸着吃,甚至可以弄成土豆泥一样压碎了吃。Cauliflower is eaten raw, steamed, and even mashed like a potato.

它们的形状不规则,点像花椰菜的形状。They have an irregular shape, and can be almost cauliflower shape.

我在餐馆点了一道清炒菜花。I ordered a dish of unmixed stir-fried cauliflower in the restaurant.

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结果,老头用1块5角钱买走了我们的一大堆菜花。Then, the old man bought our a lot of cauliflower with 1.5 yuan a pile.

养生饮料-青草茶、蔓越莓汁、石莲花汁、山药牛奶、综合莓果汁、青花椰菜汁等。Juice, Yam Blended with Milk, Mixed Berry Juice, Green Cauliflower Juice, etc.

让西兰花幼苗在行列讲互相距离隔38-46厘米。Set cauliflower plants 38 to about 46 centimeters from each other in the rows.