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他是个爱发号施令的领导。He is an officious leader.

作者也不总是那么殷勤。Vogel is not always officious.

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我不喜欢贝蒂,因为她好管闲事。I disliked Betty because she was officious.

他是个严酷的人,既自负又爱管闲事。He is a harsh man, at once pompous and officious.

你认为他的干涉完全是多管闲事吗?You are rather disposed to call his interference officious?

他们不会欢迎任何来自警方的横加干涉。They wouldn't welcome any officious interference from the police.

我们厌烦那些当官的把我们支来支去。We were tired of being pushed around by officious civil servants.

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一位好用权威的交通管理员决定要给我开一张违章停车罚款单。An officious traffic warden had decided to give me a parking ticket.

在人类世界里,相似的情况是运动场上的强者和专横的老板。The human equivalents include the playground bully and officious boss.

我搬家是因为我再也受不了那个好管闲事的女房东了。I moved becasue I can't put up with that officious landlady any longer.

我搬家是因为我再也受不了那个好管闲事的女房东了。I moved because I can't put up with that officious landlady any longer.

碰上一个特别管闲事的海关官员,他显然把我当成了走私犯。a particularly officious Customs officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.

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一位好用权威的小警卫走过来叫我不要在博物馆花园里吹口哨。An officious little guard came and told me not to whistle in the museum garden.

一位爱管闲事的小警卫走过来叫我不要在博物馆花园里吹口哨。An officious little guard came and told me not to whistle in the museum garden.

事实上是因为,你对于殷勤多礼的客套,已经感到腻烦。The fact is, that you were sick of civility, of deference, of officious attention.

现在全俄已经有三个非官方的马克思主义研究机构及各地的研究小组和中心。There are three officious institutes and local groups and centers of Marxism research in Russia now.

她一发现我真地离开了兰得尔斯,便应许了那个爱管闲事的厄尔吞夫人的建议。As soon as she found I was really gone from Randalls, she closed with the offer of that officious Mrs. Elton.

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还有一种用法,可以对好插手别人事情的人说,意思是还是管管你自己吧。The phrase is also used against people who are viewed as officious or intermeddling in someone else's affairs.

我出国归来,碰上一个特别好管闲事的海关官员,他显然把我当成了走私犯。When I returned from abroad recently, a particularly officious Customs officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.

一本正经的边境和海关官员仔细检查文件,在车厢里搜索偷渡者和走私货物。Officious immigration and customs officers scrutinised documents and searched cabins for stowaways or illicit goods.