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但你也能很轻易地反驳说,他们不感兴趣只是因为他们被吓到了。But you could just as easily argue that their users are incurious because they're cowed.

并且,正慢慢地依赖这个我们一直漠不关心的系统。So we wound up being totally dependent on a system about which are terminally incurious.

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他似乎离奇地对重要的细节不闻不问,比如伊拉克战争的执行情况。He seemed curiously incurious about vital details, such as the conduct of the war in Iraq.

他似乎奇怪地太不关心至关重要的细节,比如伊拉克战争的进展情况。He seemed curiously incurious about vital details, such as the conduct of the war in Iraq.

并且,正慢慢地依赖这个我们一直漠不关心的系统。So we wound up being totally dependent on a system about which we are terminally incurious.

然而,如果说学习的乐趣是普遍存在的,那么为什么世界上还有那么多觉得活着乏味、单调的人呢?But if the pleasure of learning is universal, why are there so many dull, incurious people in the world?

这么做的时候,他们恰恰在示范自己试图改变的其他人身上存在的不爱究根问底的行为。As they do this, these leaders are modeling precisely the kind of incurious behavior they're trying to change in others.

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在那些平庸、偏狭、漠不关心、终日懒散在家的美国人眼中,英国演员就是些没有经验的新丁。British actors come without a career hinterland that's discernible to the average, insular, incurious American couch-potato.

如果这些工人的灵魂没有死去并且对周遭环境不那么漠不关心的话,那么他们可以通过这些化石获得更多的钱。Sad thing isthose workers could have got way more money for the fossils, if they weren'tdead inside and incurious about the world around them.

教育家刘道玉表示,中国教育的解放必须从解放孩子的好奇心开始。Chinese educators should first liberate children from incurious minds if they want to shake off the shackles fettering current educational theories, according to educator Liu Daoyu.

根据几年来的调查数据,日本年轻人变得越来越畏惧风险和寻求安逸,他们对外国缺乏好奇心并厌恶背着包展开艰苦的旅行。Relying on years of survey data, young Japanese men and women are getting increasingly risk-averse, comfort-seeking, incurious about foreign lands and loath to strap on a backpack to travel rough.