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音乐是红色的,很火烈。Music cis red, very hot.

在2002年,反恐怖中心在俄罗斯建立。In 2002, an antiterrorist center was established in the CIS.

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梅德韦捷夫说,他上任之后首次出访的国家就将是独联体国家。He says his first foreign visit will be to one of the CIS countries.

招聘化学,英语,数学,历史,法律教师。Chemistry, English, CIS , Math, History, Acc. , and Law teachers needed.

秦观、黄庭坚在绍圣元年以后,词作的内容和风格都出现了转型。Contents and styles of the Cis by Qin and Huang after 1094 were changed.

第二部分为CIS薄膜的低成本非真空法制备。The second part is the CIS thin films prepared by low-cost non-vacuum methods.

词头顺和反常用于双取代的环烷烃。The prefixes cis and trans are frequently applied to disubstituted cycloalkanes.

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在俄罗斯和独联体的大企业中,尼辛石油天然气集团独占鳌头。In the Russian and the CIS upstream, Nissim Gas and Oil Group has no competition.

CIS作为舶来品在中国的发展只有十几年的历史。As a kind of exotics , CIS has not more than ten years developmental history in China.

吉尔吉斯斯坦是第一个被世界贸易组织接受的独联体国家。Kyrgyzstan was the first CIS country to be accepted into the World Trade Organization.

音乐是他作品中的一个常规主题,尤其是叛逆的摇滚乐。Music cis a regular theme in his work, especially the rebelliousness of rock 'n' roll.

一些有远见的中国企业家已开始关注和运用CIS即现代企业形象战略。Some of the Chinese foresighted enterprisers begin to care and use the strategy of CIS.

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榆次灌肠制作讲究,和面先硬后软,再将稀面掺顺。Yuci enema produced about, and hard-soft noodle first, and then dilute doped cis noodle.

汉基努力培养学生能够从容应对当今世界的挑战。The CIS program prepares students exceptionally well for the challenges of today's world.

东欧和独联体国家对此表示欢迎,俄罗斯则坚决反对,态度强硬。East European and CIS countries welcome such a move while the Russians object it resolutely.

经放置CIS穿过泪囊再通过黏液囊肿通至鼻腔,再于CIS外套一橡皮引流管。CIS was passed through the two fistulae, and a rubber tube was cannulated to drain the mucus.

两个苯并15冠5的苯环相对钾原子呈顺式排列。Two benzene rings from two B15C5 molecules are cis orientation with respect to potassium ion.

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顺式单不饱和脂肪酸天然存在,特别富含于芥花籽油和橄榄油中。Cis monounsaturated fat is naturally occurring and is particularly high in canola and olive oil.

比较而言,大部分独联体国家出口自然资源和非熟练劳动密集型产品。In contrast, most CIS countries export natural resources and unskilled labor-intensive products.

与多数其他独联体国家一样,创造就业的速度将会滞后于经济产出的恢复速度。As in most other CIS countries, job creation will be slower than the recovery in economic output.