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我再也控制不住,泪水喷薄而出。I couldn't hold back, tears gushing out.

我真受不了他们的这份热情。I just couldn't stomach all this gushing.

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但是在楚文化里,生命是可以喷薄的。But in the Chu culture, life can be gushing.

人人都能对不同的藏品说出个一二三来。Everyone was gushing at the different pieces.

石油仍然滔滔不绝的流入墨西哥湾。Oil is still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.

血光喷薄之后,露出清晨第一缕阳光。Blood gushing out of light, the first wisp of sunshine.

有人滔滔不绝地讲述她们那让人惊叹的爱情生活?People gushing on and on about their amazing love life?

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儿子里德出生时,他涌现出易动的感情,开始滔滔不绝,从未停止。When Reed was born, he began gushing and never stopped.

要是你不动情,他也许会想念这一女性特质的。Give up on gushing and he may miss seeing that feminine trait.

但我所了解的这些滥情者,没有一个是不空虚的。But I know who these gushing with feelings, no one is not empty.

所以说音乐的的力量通过感觉,增加牛奶的分泌。So the power of music through the senses, increase the gushing of milk.

邻居突然哽咽起来,泪水夺眶而出。The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes.

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美国的同胞们将被铁鸟攻击然后坠落,狼群在灌木丛中咆哮,无辜的鲜血迸发流出。The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.

在母牛分泌牛奶之前,小牛会被自由释放。Before gushing the milk from the cows, the young calf will be released free.

但是,母牛在帐棚分泌牛奶的故事很有趣。But the story of gushing milk from the cows in the camp is very interesting.

那个青年的头骨破裂了,血和脑浆不断涌出。The young man's skull had been split open, and blood and brains were gushing out.

断层涌水常给工程带来危害。Water gushing along fault is a hazard to some underground engineering excavations.

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Samiat开车送我到了机场,一路上她一直在说我看起来有多“可爱”。Samiat drove me to the airport, and on the way she kept gushing at how “cute” I looked.

英国石油公司表示今晚有望从墨西哥湾油井中用虹吸管把油抽走。BP says it expects to siphon oil from a gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico later tonight.

创伤迸发的目的是让战士不停地风筝目标吗?Is the intent of Gushing Wound that warriors constantly ask for targets to be kited around?