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晚祷时,我还能缺席吗?Even at vespers she always made passes.

做一个发信号或召唤的姿势。A bell that summons worshipers to vespers.

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我们的教堂每星期天举行三次礼拜仪式。A service held on Sundays holythe office of vespers.

那一刻所有教堂的钟声在巴勒莫开始响丧钟。At that moment all the church bells in Palermo began to ring for Vespers.

他们上星期天举行了一次烤热狗野餐会。A service held on Sundays or holy days that includes the office of vespers.

在“西西里晚祷1931年”是一个没有实际事件的关系神话。The "Sicilian Vespers" of 1931 is a myth with no relation to actual events.

那些修女们在星期五和在星期日一样,得做大弥撒、晚祈祷和其他一切日课。On Fridays the nuns hear high mass, vespers , and all the offices, as on Sunday.

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晚祷的结构就像是庆祝赞扬和日落时,通常是在晚饭。Vespers is structured like lauds and is celebrated at sunset, usually before supper.

这个礼拜日神圣的礼拜后,我们东正教徒将会用彼此宽恕的仪式来欢度宽恕晩祷。Following Divine Liturgy this Sunday we Orthodox will celebrate the Forgiveness Vespers with the Rite of Mutual Forgiveness.

在晚祷的圣灵降临节在东方教会的特殊服务跪拜的陪同下,长期诗意的祈祷和诗歌,发生。At Vespers of Pentecost in the Oriental Churches the extraordinary service of genuflexion , accompanied by long poetical prayers and psalms, takes place.