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一个笔袋。A pencil bag.

拎包即可入住。Bag can stay.

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我忘了带书包。I forgot my bag.

我的包在哪里?Where is my bag?

嗨,你的背怎么样了?Hi hows your bag?

你的包是空的吗?Is your bag empty?

我的包太大了。My bag is too big.

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使用一个垃圾袋。Use a garbage bag.

他把包放了下来。He dropped his bag.

天呀!我的包不见了。My bag is all gone.

他接着放下了健身袋。He put his bag down.

我白勺包被偷了。I had my bag stolen.

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你的包太大。Your bag is too big.

我来拿你的包吧。Let me hold your bag.

你装了一个粗呢包?That's my duffel bag.

安全气袋弹跳出来。The air bag deployed.

我把包放上去。Let me put the bag up.

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我的纸袋在哪里?Where is my paper bag?

你的包也大。Your bag is big , too.

这是你的书包,接着!Here's your bag. Catch!