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看看纳粹主义的理念。Look at the ideals of Nazism.

纳粹不仅仅是杀气腾腾的国家主义。Nazism was not only nationalism run amok.

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新纳粹主义正在德国的一些地方复活。The new Nazism is resurging in some places in Germany.

荒谬的是,意大利求助于希特勒纳粹主义的战争。Paradoxically, Italy needed the war of Hitlerite nazism.

任何一个同纳粹主义作斗争的人或国家,都将得到我们的援助。Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our aid.

但当纳粹党在德国当政后,他看清了纳粹的真面目。As nazism took hold of Germany, however, he saw nazism for what it was.

当时纳粹主义正在德国兴起,而基辛格一家是犹太人。But the Kissingers were a Jewish family in a Germany that was on the brink of Nazism.

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当时纳粹主义正在德国兴起,而基辛格一家是犹太人。But the Kissingers were a Jewish family in a Germany that was on the brink of Nazism.

我如何理解纳粹主义在这首诗中淡入淡出的历史氛围?What do I make of the way the historical scale of Nazism drifts in and out of this poem?

Missak最初反对暴力,不过后来相信了暴力在反纳粹中的必要性。Missak is initially opposed to violence but is persuaded of its necessity in opposing Nazism.

时任苏联外交部长的维亚切斯拉夫·莫洛托夫把反纳粹的战斗称为“犯罪”,苏维埃每张报纸上都刊登过同样的言论。Vyacheslav Molotov, who was then the Soviet Union's foreign minister, called fighting Nazism a “crime”.

由于纳粹和第二次世界大战的影响,1941年6月1日贝格尔上吊自杀。Disturbed by the rise of Nazism and the effects of the Second World War, Berger hanged himself on June 1st 1941.

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她为他自己的政治旅途着迷,他一直致力于在反对纳粹主义中受。She was fascinated by his own political journey, which had been inspired throughout by a revulsion against Nazism.

电影导演亨利.科斯特一九○五年生于柏林。德国落入纳粹党手上之后,他成为反犹太运动的目标。Film director Henry Koster, who was born in Berlin in 1905, became the subject of anti-Semitism as Germany fell to Nazism.

他们原本形影不离,但当纳粹的阴影长期笼罩着他们生活的时候,他们一个成了纳粹党卫军的军官,另一个则成为了该制度的爪牙。Yet as the long shadow of Nazism dominates their lives, one becomes an officer in the SS and the other a pawn of the system.

二战期间,蒙古人被派往西方,在红军指挥下与纳粹德国作战。During WWII Mongols were sent west to fight Nazi Germans under the Red Army, how ironic that these Mongol youths embraced Nazism today.

辩护者提到斯塔林以及纳粹这些凶残的意识形态,并指出如果这些都能够被历史所接受那么托克马达和塔利班又算得了什么?Apologists point to Stalinism and Nazism as murderous ideologies, as if their existence made Torquemada and the Taliban somehow acceptable.

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1921年爱因斯坦获得了诺贝尔奖,他在德国很受尊敬。纳粹上台后由于他是犹太人而被赶出了德国。In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize, and was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.

因为,希特勒的纳粹是军国主义主导,如今中国的改革开放,相对而言,则是人性与民力的释放。The theme of Hitler's Nazism was militarism. The theme of China's reform and liberalization, by contrast, is humanity and the unleashing of human creativity.

战时的奥地利对纳粹主义的敏感,加上与冯·特拉普家族有关的种种问题可以解释为什么奥地利人对这部电影的态度不够热情。Sensitivities about Nazism during wartime Austria and issues towards the von Trapp family themselves could explain Austria's reluctance to embrace the musical.