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那么,你的毒物学专家是怎么说的?So, what did your toxicologist say?

毒物学家史必乐是肯塔基地区毒物中心主任。Toxicologist Spiller is director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Center.

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毒理学家报告说,十一岁的安娜呈现出持续恶化的脑损伤。At age 11, Ana shows persistent, growing brain lesions, the toxicologist reported.

联系加州洛杉矶专门研究纳米技术的毒理学家。Contact the toxicologist in Los Angeles Californiawho specializes in nanotechnology.

随便哪个毒理学家都会告诉你,汞中毒代表是暂时的性,可治疗的。Any toxicologist will tell you that mercury poisoning represents a temporary, treatable state.

路易斯安那州环境质量部的毒物学家,哈里斯也有同样的看法。Toxicologist Tom Harris with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality shares that view.

然而,你从未听一未毒理学家说,孤独症和汞之间没有关联。Yet, you never hear from a toxicologist saying there is no correlation between autism and mercury.

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哈东是毒物学者,因目睹实验动物所受的苦难而决定要寻…THOMAS HARTUNG is toxicologist who was moved by the animal suffering he witnessed to seek alternatives.

这些样本被送往南缅因大学海洋毒物学家约恩怀斯处进行分析。The samples were sent for analysis to marine toxicologist John Wise at the University of Southern Maine.

世卫组织已经提供了螯合剂,临床毒理学家也已经开始培训当地的医务人员。WHO has provided chelating agents, and the clinical toxicologist has started training local medical staff.

除了“戊巴比妥”外,毒物学家还发现了大剂量的“水合三氯乙醛”。The toxicologist discovered in addition to the Nembutal present there was also a large dose of Chloral Hydrate.

这个纤细的小姑娘IQ值有113,超过平均水平,“她聪明漂亮,临床诊断也很健康,”医生和毒理学家回忆说。The trim girl with an above-average IQ of 113 “was bright, very beautiful and clinically healthy, ” the physician and toxicologist recalls.

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据马里兰水生毒物学家卡里斯米切尔莫尔的观点,黒曾团队只研究了油中的某些化合物的分解。According to University of Maryland aquatic toxicologist Carys Mitchelmore, Hazen's team only measured the breakdown of select compounds in the oil.

Seralini说,奇怪的是其中一个投赞成票的毒理学家“一直反对长期动物毒性测试”。According to Seralini, one of the scientists who voted in favour is a toxicologist who, oddly enough, is 'always against long animal toxicity tests'.

澳大利亚珀斯默多克大学的环境毒物学家彼得·丁格尔说,他对奶粉在中国如此流行感到费解。Peter Dingle, an environmental toxicologist at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, said he was mystified why milk powder was so popular in China.

阿尔斯特大学毒理学家、病理学家维维安·霍华德,也是改革的支持者。Vyvyan Howard, a toxicologist and pathologist at the University of Ulster, and a supporter of the reform, also reckons that the existing system is not as good as it claims to be.

基于这一结果,使用受检消费产品不会导致在血液中检测到可计量的全氟辛酸铵残留。Based on results from the study, the use of the tested products would not result in quantifiable levels of PFOA in the blood, " said Dr. Robert Rickard, DuPont chief toxicologist."

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比利时布鲁塞尔鲁汶天主教大学毒理学家阿尔佛雷德•伯纳德说,得出这些短期变化会导致长期健康问题的结论为时尚早。It's far too soon to conclude that these short-term changes lead to long-term health problems, said Alfred Bernard, a toxicologist at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.