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我读过它。I read it.

我有用功在读书。I try read.

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读读诗。Read poetry.

我有用功在读书。I try 2 read.

要读的书呢?Books to read?

我喜欢读书,读很多书,常常在深更半夜读。I read. A lot.

阅读并补全下表。Read and fill.

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我们读课文。We read texts.

阅读摘要部分。Read abstracts.

少读垃圾资料。Read less junk.

读这本书吧!Read this book!

观看并跟读。Watch and read.

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你读对了.You read right.

我会看手相。I can read hand.

再读一遍这句话吧。Read that again.

这个我读过。I have read this.

现在我来念。I'll read it now.

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阅读同人小说。Read fan fiction.

阅读食品标签。Read food labels.

看看我的陈情书!Read my petition!