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暴民政治?Mob rule?

是暴民政治,没错。Mob rule, exactly.

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外面是一片聚众闹事的景象。It's a mob scene out there.

好了,他得骗骗群氓诸公。Well, he would fool the mob.

乱民拥立他为皇帝。The mob acclaimed him emperor.

防暴警察用警棍打聚众闹事者。The riot police batoned the mob.

这伙暴徒在村中横冲直撞。The mob rampaged through the village.

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病狂的暴民私刑冶死一名无辜。The angry mob lynched an innocent man.

病狂的暴民私刑冶死一名无辜。The angry mob lynched an innocent man.

他可以来看看流氓联队的比赛。He can go and watch that mob United FC.

任何见过愤怒暴民的人们都会明白这一点。Anyone who’s seen an angry mob knows it.

那位警官手持警棍向聚众闹事者发动攻击。The police officer baton-charged the mob.

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使用乌合之众的心理学控制群众。Use Mob Psychology to control the masses.

它是20,000个民众合并成的整体。It was a mob of 20, 000 united into oneness.

而当遇到危机的时候,罗伯特也是同样的强硬。RFK was equally stern when it came to the mob.

演说者的坦率缓和了愤激的群众的怒气。The speaker's frankness disarmed the angry mob.

暴徒怒气冲冲地闯进了办公室。The mob burst into the office ranting and raving.

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呼德把他的女儿们提供给一伙要对天使施暴的歹民。Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers.

“比暴徒还要差劲”,这样是不会被认可的。"Compares badly to the mob" is not an endorsement.

在图卡卢沙的校园里,他让人们…By being on the Tuscaloosa campus, he kept the mob.