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我们来听辨一下旋律。We've identified the melody.

她支持我们的计划。She is identified with our plans.

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我喜欢弗罗姆,和他打成一片。I liked Fromm and identified with him.

监管局确认了他的身份并将他逮捕They identified him and he was caught.

他们发现了超过3.2万个基因。They identified more than 32, 000 genes.

上帝已经不再等同于自然了。This god was not identified with nature.

在生命周期的早期识别出风险identified risks early in the life-cycle

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她认出那个男忍就是袭击过听蹬人。She identified that the man was attacker.

最初的项目风险也已经确定。The initial project risks are identified.

您可能已标识了另一个子流程。You likely identified another subprocess.

用电子自旋共振证实了BTF的自由基。Free radical of BTF was identified by ESR.

我与契诃夫笔下的每一个人物都能产生共鸣。I identified with every Chekhov character.

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潘迪特先生自称“维克拉姆”,并且认为这只是一个小小的提问而已。Mr. Pandit identified himself as "Vikram."

她积极支持我们的计划。She is actively identified with our plans.

网站指认照片主角为韦纳。Web site photos hero identified as Weiner.

迪鲍尔特说,目前已经有很多问题被查出来了。He says many problems have been identified.

那么如何认定这些革命卫队公司呢?How, then, can IRGC companies be identified?

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警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

该血清型已被确定为01群小川型霍乱弧菌。The serotype has been identified as 01 Ogawa.