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亚视桨轮胎审查。Vehicle review paddle tires.

想去游下泳或踢踢水吗?Want to go for a swim or paddle?

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她向我展示怎样使用船桨。She shows me how to use the paddle.

孩子们喜欢在海滩嬉水。Children love to paddle at the beach.

我把乒乓球拍放在家了。I forgot my ping-pong paddle at home.

我从狗爬式开始学游泳。I started by learning to doggy paddle.

没有人教你如何游狗刨式。Nobody teaches you how to do the doggy- paddle.

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我想我那时过于满足在浅滩里嬉戏为乐了。I guess i was content to paddle in the shallows.

搅乳器有两根搅棍搅拌奶油。The butter churn have two paddle to whip the cream.

双轴桨叶式混合机是一新型高效的混合机。The twin shaft paddle mixer is a new efficient type.

对流搅拌机与桨叶搅拌机可分开使用。The Homo Mixer and Paddle Mixer can be used separately.

该死,他即使用乒乓球拍也能打败我们。Heck, he could probably beat me with a ping pong paddle.

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为什么你游泳的姿式看起来总是像狗刨式?。Why does your swimming always look like the doggy paddle?

我们也许可以用桨把自己推过去。We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle.

在瑞克的烛光咖啡宴上把手藏在扇子把下面。Holding hands neath the paddle fans in Rick's candled café.

奥迪带换挡拨片的多功能方向盘英文如何翻译?Multi-function steering wheel with paddle shifters of AUDI.

他已经十八岁了,所以我相信他完全可以自食其力了。He s eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe.

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他已经十八岁了,所以我相信他完全可以自食其力了。He's eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe.

游客可以在摩丽斯国家公园查德湖上划皮艇桨。Kayakers paddle on Lac Bouchard in La Mauricie National Park.

现在,要将这个世界划行活动在全世界内进行,我们需要你的帮助!Now, to get this WORLD WIDE paddle happening we need your help!