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对马鹿流产胎儿的肝脏中的细菌进行分离和鉴定。To isolate and identify the bacteria form the liver of aborted fetus of wapiti.

结论本试验表明马鹿茸有性激素样作用。ConclusionThe test proved that wapiti velvet antler possesses gonadotripic effect.

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本研究以马鹿为试验材料,开展了鹿卵母细胞超微结构的研究。Our studies on oocytes ultrastructure, in which experimental materials came from Wapiti , was just one of the blanks.

使用改进的三色染色法可以有效地评价马鹿精子获能后的顶体反应水平。By use of the modified method of triple-stain technique could evaluate the level of wapiti acrosome reaction effectively.

建立了马鹿耳部皮肤成纤维细胞和马鹿生茸类干细胞的培养方法和培养体系。The Wapiti 's ear skin fibroblasts cell and Wapiti antler stem cell culture methods and the culture system were developed.

目的通过对马鹿卵母细胞的超微结构进行研究,旨在为马鹿繁殖育种的研究提供基础理论依据。Objective To study the ultrastructural changes of wapiti oocytes and provide theoretical basis for wapiti breeding arid reproduction.

选择肃南鹿场的甘肃马鹿为研究对象,系统研究了甘肃马鹿生茸特性及其规律。The objective of this study was Gansu wapiti in the Sunan deer farm, Studied the antler growth laws and characteristics of Gansu wapiti.

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这表明西北部分马鹿群体在不同程度上受到了其他马鹿的入侵,可能是由于群体间的引种杂交引起。This showed that some wapiti groups in northwest were invasion by the other group, may be due to the hybrid introduction from different populations.

天山马鹿鹿茸血内含丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、各种免疫球蛋白和多种微量元素,还含有多糖、及各种酶类和维生素。Pilose antler blood of Tianshan wapiti contain abundant proteins, amino acids, immunoglobulin, trace element, polysaccharides, enzymes as well as vitamins.

这么做,他们不仅可以猎取野牛和麋鹿作为毛皮和食物来源,还可以与它们一样以树根,坚果,浆果和草类为食。In so doing, they could not only hunt some of the buffalo and wapiti for fur and food source, but also eat of the roots, nuts, berries and grasses that they likewise consumed.