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复仇铁卫是正义的帝国皇帝的利斧!The Emperor is just, and the Vindicator his axe!

有没有人可以在神面前作为我的中保和辩护人?Is there someone who can be my mediator, my vindicator before God?

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而在CC2年代,它还只是一个担任RA3中维护者,也就是轻型哄炸鸡的角色。But in CC2, it's just like vindicator in RA3, that is the role of light bomber.

这在维护者快攻的早期阶段发现和干掉敌人的侦察部队时非常有效。This is useful especially in the early stages of a Vindicator Rush in finding and picking off your opponents scouts.

辩护者设计针对于那些高伤亡率的近距离作战,例如巷战或者丛林战斗。The Vindicator was a response to the high casualty rates suffered during close quarter battles, such as street fighting or in jungles.

记录中提到极少数的辩护者完整的撑过了大远征时代,似乎辩护者在逐渐失去战士们对他的喜爱。Records , mention very little of the Vindicator throughout the time of Great Crusade, it is assumed that the Vindicator fell out of favour.

同时,当重新补充弹药时,尽管增加了载弹量,装填时间由2颗炸弹4秒变为3颗炸弹3秒。Also, when re-arming despite an increase in payload, the Vindicator reloads its 3 bombs in 3 seconds as opposed to its 2 bombs in 4 seconds.

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复仇铁卫对神圣帝国的教义和法律宣誓效忠,被允许在战场上同时行使裁决和行刑的权利。The Vindicator has sworn allegiance to the doctrine and laws of the Holy Empire and has been given the combined battlefield functions of both judge and executioner.

任何地方政府都不能成为私人公司的股东,更不必说成为跨国公司的股东了,因为政府在市场中的角色是市场规律的维护者。No local government should be a shareholder in a private company, let alone a multinational, because a government's role is that of a vindicator of market regulation.

现代教育的发展要求教师“不仅仅是人类文化的的传递者,也应当是学生心理的塑造者,是学生心理健康的维护者”。Modern education's development requests the teacher "is not only the human culture transmission, must be the student psychology shaper, is the student psychologically healthy vindicator".