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那就是“爱斯基摩雪靴”。It's the "Eskimo Boot."

我没有用爱斯基摩口吻顶撞你。I'm not sassing you in Eskimo talk.

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爱斯基摩人不适于在热带生活。Eskimo is ill-fitted for living in the tropics.

爱斯基摩星云显然是一个行星星云。The Eskimo Nebula is clearly a planetary nebula.

爱斯基摩人用尖鱼刺作箭的倒钩。The Eskimo barbed the arrows with pointed fish bones.

在爱斯基摩人的小村子里,她的名字叫米亚克丝,而她的英语名字叫做朱莉。Her Eskimo name is Miyax while her English name is Julie.

美国爱斯基摩犬的接合既不太长,也不太短。The American Eskimo Dog is neither too long nor too short coupled.

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美国爱斯基摩犬的身躯结实而紧凑,但不能象小马一样。The body of the American Eskimo Dog is strong and compact, but not cobby.

他们使任何人穿它们看起来像一个低自尊其貌不扬爱斯基摩人。They make anyone wearing them look like a frumpy Eskimo with low self esteem.

也就是这种行话常常被旅行的人当作了爱斯基摩语。It is this jargon that is usually referred to by traveler as the Eskimo langage.

今天是爱斯基摩少年阿拉图克的一个重要日子。他飞快地吃完了早饭。It is an important day for Alatook, an Eskimo boy. He eats his breakfast quickly.

一年中大部分的时间,除了乘飞机外,是到不了北魁北克的爱斯基摩居留地的。For most of the year, the Eskimo settlements in northern Quebec are inaccessible, except by air.

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爱斯基摩皮筏一种爱斯基摩大型皮制敞舱船,用木架撑开,通常用短桨划动。A large open Eskimo boat made of skins stretched on a wooden frame, usually propelled by paddles.

最后,人们请来当地的专家,爱斯基摩妇女,以便给冰屋做最后的画龙点睛。The men then call in the resident expert, the Eskimo woman, to put the finishing touches on the igloo.

有人看到一个爱斯基摩人朝黑暗的洞窟里看,有人看到一个印第安酋长的侧面头像。Some people see an Eskimo peering into a dark cavern. Others see the profile of an Indian chief’s head.

不久前,只有极少数的爱斯基摩的猎手和探险家才能深究到冻土带上的寒来暑往,冬去春来。Until recently, the changing seasons on the tundra were seen only by a few Eskimo hunters and explorers.

美国爱斯基摩犬是工作犬,提供同伴以及一个亲切的气质。The American Eskimo dog is a working dog that offers companionship as well as an affectionate temperament.

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传统的语言系属分类中爱斯基摩语与通古斯诸语分别归为两个语系。In the traditional linguistic systematic the Eskimo language and But in many academic fields such as linguistics?

爱斯基摩人很小就订婚,而且,一旦年轻的未婚夫能支撑起一个家庭,他们便立即结为百年之好。The Eskimo are betrothed at an early age, and married when the youthful husband is capable of supporting a family.

他们同样也是对传统爱斯基摩人生活的描述,那是我们中的很多人都不曾亲身经历过的。They’re also about the traditional Eskimo life, which is something that not many of us have experienced firsthand.