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头脑多么顽固,心胸多么狭隘的蠢家伙!What a pigheaded narrow-minded jerk!

她只是一根筋,但并无恶意。She is only pigheaded but not hostility.

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那个固执的老头拒绝和邻居合作。That pigheaded old man refused to cooperate with the neighbors.

这家伙特别,不爱接受别人的建议。This guy is very pigheaded and never takes other people's advice.

如果我很固执,且有偏见,我想我的表现会比电脑好。When I get pigheaded and get a bias, I think I can outperform the computer.

也可以用纯棉拖把蘸水拧干对地板进行擦拭。Also can dip in with pure cotton mop water is pigheaded work to undertake wiping to the floor.

阿耳特弥斯迅速将一层云雾披在仙女的身上。Artemis instantly cast a cloud over her body, but the pigheaded Alpheus was not to be tricked.

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拧下去别抬太快。等发动机发动了,再把钥匙松开就行了。Pigheaded go down not to carry too fast. Waited for engine to start, loosen the key again went.

你不要再打电话到处找我,也不要再到益中公司去找我!Since then of course you've been too pigheaded to go near them, so that now you've drifted apart.

我们是两个固执的爱尔兰人,固执使我们彼此将近30年不说话。We're two pigheaded Irishmen, so stubborn that we didn't talk to each other for almost thirty years.

梵高是一个易怒,专注,聪颖,敏感,高尚,博学,叛逆并且顽固的人。Van Gogh is irascible, engaging, intelligent, touchy, high-minded, well read, rebellious and pigheaded.

也就是说,成功的基础就是,用不屈不挠的决心与毅力,做好该做的事。Put another way, success comes from doing the right things with pigheaded determination and persistence.

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将蒸脸水烧烫,用毛巾浸入,拧干后盖在脸上5分钟。Heat evaporate face water very hot, with towel immerge, pigheaded dry rear cover is in 5 minutes on the face.

清洁时可用拧干水的抹布或拖把擦洗,千万不要用水洗,也不能用湿漉漉的抹布或拖把清理。The rag that pigheaded dry water can use when cleanness or mop are swabbed , must not bathe, also cannot clear with damp dishcloth or mop.

留意自己是否经常制造让对方误解的言语或举动,如身体无意的触碰、拧捏等。Advertent whether do oneself often make the utterance that lets misunderstanding of the other side or move, like the body innocently lay a finger on, pigheaded hold etc.