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为了解释此一征象,他负有全部的责任。For the decipherment of the sign, however, he bears the entire responsibility.

铭文学会的目的在发现及解读古代铭文。Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions.

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铭文协会关注古铭文的发现与解读。The Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions.

对语言的解读大体上在1851年完成,这种语言首先被称为亚述语。The decipherment of the language was in essence completed in 1851 and the language was first called Assyrian.

这将揭露更多的细节更能辨认出难以以前辨认出的古书籍。This will expose additional detail and likely enable decipherment of previously illegible portions of the ancient documents.

玛雅文字的破译向我们展示了一个与罗马帝国同时代的错综复杂的新大陆——一个同样有着高度文明的国度。The decipherment of the Mayan glyphs revealed that the New World had a sophisticated, literate civilisation at the time of the Roman empire.

本文从对文化的一般解读入手,着重分析了律师文化的概念及其意义,以期能为律师文化这一命题的研究做出一点小小的贡献。The paper starts from general decipherment of culture to analyze lawyer culture's concept and its significance, hope to contribute a little.

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本文不只是对汉字表层的解释,而且深入到其结构,尽量做到全面。This article not only was a decipherment of Chinese's surface Jayer, but also went deep into Chinese's structure and it was basically all-around.

判决理由阐释是否充分,关系到当事人和社会公众对司法公正和司法权威的认同。Decipherment about the sentential reason whether is adequate or not relates to the litigants and social mass's consents on judicatory justice and judicatory authority.

任何民族的文化都是对人类本性的解读,都从某一侧面反映或表现人的本性,并在人类的交往中逐渐融入到世界文化之中成为世界文化的一部分。Each national culture is the decipherment to human's nature and will blend into the international culture and will become a part of it in the process of human's social communication.

其亚述藏品成了解读楔形文字的基础。而“罗塞塔石”的获得使得埃及象形文字之谜得以破解。Its Assyrian collections formed the basis for the decipherment of cuneiform just as the acquisition of the Rosetta Stone has resulted in the unlocking of Egyptian hieroglyphic script.

结合卫星遥感解译与野外地质考察,计算出五指山构造震旦系顶面圈闭面积、闭合高度。Combining with the satellite remote sensing decipherment and field geologic investigation, the closure proportion and altitude of the Sinian top of Wuzhishan structure are conjectured.

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从对关涉“政风”的民谣的解读中,可以发现当前“政风”中存在的问题,以及加强“政风”建设的启发意义。Upon decipherment of ballads involving "administrative style", one will find out issues existing in " administrative style and draw revelations therefrom for strengthening its construction.