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如果外频调的太高,声卡就有可能不发声了。If the FSB is too high profile , sound card, there may not be the voice.

我们不认为我们和留在安全局里的人分开了。We did not consider ourselves to be separate from those who stayed in the FSB.

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该法的批评人士说,新的法律将允许联邦安全局对批评政府的人士进行恐吓。Critics say the new law will allow the FSB to intimidate critics of the government.

联邦安全局的边境官们应该记住他们把我们这当成他们的殖民地的日子。The FSB border officers should remember that when they treat us as if we were their colony.

普京自己就曾是有16年克罗勃生涯的前联邦安全局的首领。以FSB知名。Putin himself is a 16-year KGB veteran and former chief of the Federal Security Service, known as the FSB.

现在,这里变成了俄罗斯无处不在的后克格勃情报机关——联邦安全服务部,或称FSB。It is now the headquarters of Russia's ubiquitous post-KGB spy agency, the FSB or Federal Security Service.

阿布哈兹与格鲁吉亚的边境现在由俄罗斯国家安全局控制的一个整编师守卫。Abkhazia's border with Georgia is secured by a full division of Russia's border guards, who answer to the FSB.

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阿布哈兹与格鲁吉亚的边境现在由俄罗斯国家安全局控制的一个整编师守卫。Abkhazia’s border with Georgia is secured by a full division of Russia’s border guards, who answer to the FSB.

英国相信FSB是谋杀利特维年科背后的黑手,并于2007年中断了和它的联系。Britain is convinced that there is an FSB dimension to Litvinenko's murder. It severed contact with it in 2007.

这成套工具包括与摄象机适配器的一个流动性头、三脚架、分布器、FSB细胞和充电器并且运载案件。This kit consists of a fluid head, tripod, spreader, FSB cell and charger with camcorder adapter and carry case.

FSB和MSB分离位点的平均显性表型频率之间没有显著性差异。There was no significant difference between the average frequency of the segregated FSB and that of the segregated MSB.

我第一次看前端总线的数据包的传输过程的时候,我发出了啊的大声惊叹,我希望有人能和我一起分享同样的喜悦。The first time I saw FSB packet descriptions I had a huge “ahhh!”moment so I hope someone out there gets the same benefit.

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看完那篇文章之后,我把它剪了下来,收藏到我的旅游目的地“愿望清单”中,以备将来有一天能梦想成真。After I read the FSB article, I clipped it and filed it among other "wish list" travel destinations I wanted to visit someday.

俄罗斯联邦安全局特别小组根据一条线索,包围了莫斯科东部90公里外城市奥列霍沃祖耶沃的一座房屋。Following an intelligence lead, special units of the FSB surrounded a house in Orekhovo-Zuyevo, a city about 90km east of Moscow.

俄罗斯的联邦安全局情报部门同时逮捕了一名警官,他曾将当地内政部门的档案交给苏普伦。Russia's FSB intelligence agency also arrested a police official who handed Suprun material from the local interior ministry archive.

俄罗斯联邦安全局国内情报院院长说,周五晚些时候,由于一枚炸弹被引爆而致使一列特快列车出轨。The head of Russia's Domestic Intelligence Service the FSB says the derailment of an express train late on Friday was caused by a bomb.

金融稳定委员会预计,银行至少可以利用此类“可自救”的债务证券,满足三分之一的资本金要求。The FSB said it expects that banks will be able to use such 'bail-in-able' debt securities to meet at least one-third of the requirement.

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FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic coy, c o mpact in structure and easy to operate with low price.

克里姆林宫认为这是一种羞辱,它希望可以恢复FSB和英国相应部门的合作,这其实是改善两国关系的先决条件。The Kremlin sees this as humiliating. It wants cooperation with the FSB to resume. And it has made this a precondition of better relations.

俄联邦安全局表示,上周日晚乌方采取了第二次行动,乌军队企图在装甲战车的支持下强行进入克里米亚。The FSB said a second operation followed on Sunday night when Ukrainian troops had tried to ram their way into Crimea supported by armoured vehicles.