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除此之外,我们还有很多的教程。Amongst others we have lots of Tutorials.

抛去其它的事不管,我毕竟是一个老练的神术师。I am a skilled Diviner. Amongst other things.

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它还可以成为你在同伴中臭屁的工具。They also act as bragging rights amongst mates!

最差劲的是狼人们内部纠葛不停。Worst of all the Garou fight amongst themselves.

XNA是在VB开发人员当中的下一个痛处。XNA is the next sore point amongst VB developers.

朋友的关系就好像冒泡的开水瓶啊。The pot of discontent is bubbling amongst friends.

你没有憔悴不堪,流落在异乡人中间吗?And you are not a pining outcast amongst strangers?

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我们南北之间有分歧。we are kind of split amongst the north and the south.

伊斯兰的信仰复兴组织是其中的佼佼者。Revivalist Islamic groups are amongst the most deadly.

毛在穷人和工人中仍然是最受好评的。Mao still is most popular amongst the poor and workers.

在那些稀疏树木间,有一些很矮的土堆以点状分布。Dotted amongst the sparse trees were a dozen low mounds.

你在王党里潜伏密探有多久了?。How long have you had agents amongst the Royalist party?

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这些平原的边缘镶嵌着低山和丘陵。Interspersed amongst the plains are hills and foothills.

她们有一万镑可分。They will have ten thousand pounds divided amongst them.

在南非广播公司的最伟大的南非人评选中,他名列第五。He was ranked fifth amongst SABC3’s Great South Africans.

摄魂怪是地球上最邪恶的生物之一。Dementors amongst the foulest creatures to walk this earth.

如果是,那你就生活在英国收入最高的地方了。If so you live amongst the highest-earning people in the UK.

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我的主啊!求你不要使我与不义的民众同归于尽。Then, O my Lord! put me not amongst the people who do wrong!

许多寺僧都隐藏在平民当中。Many of the acolytes have been in hiding amongst the populace.

客户们也开始互相聊起你的软件了。in, and your customers will chat amongst themselves, and tada!