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尽量简短。Be brief.

有人情味。Be human.

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就算这样。So be it.

强壮起来!Be strong!

做一个女王。Be a queen.

任其流动。To just be.

做一台“永动机”。Be a machine.

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现在要像个男子汉。Be a man now.

当一个策划人。Be a planner.

但是开心点。But be happy.

不要偷懒。Don’t be lazy!

是的,是的,-我就是想弄清楚。,You,are,,you,are。,–Just be clear.

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做一个绅士。Be a gentleman.

思想开放点。Be open-minded.

但是…算了吧。But-- so be it.

不要说对不起。Don't be sorry.

别生气。Don't be upset.

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他一定是疯了。He must be mad.

可能如此。It could be so.

那可大了。That'll be big.