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那是精神异常者的眼睛。These are the eyes of a psychopath.

而心理变态者则继续他的行径。And so the psychopath continues on his way.

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“他们会给你做个心理变态测试,”托尼说。"They give you a psychopath test, " said Tony.

这正是我想象的关于精神病患者的肖像。This would I think be the portrait of a psychopath.

精神病患者绑架和杀害的年轻妇女在中西部合众国。Psychopath kidnaps and kills young women across the Midwest of America.

如果他没这么做,那他就是个令人难以置信的自大狂,或者精神病患。If that doesn't happen, he's just unbelievably arrogant, or a psychopath.

如果我告诉你,一个精神病患者的情绪智商,像一个5岁的孩子,你怎么说?What if I told you that a psychopath has an emotional IQ that's like a 5-year-old?

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欢的一段话,以前上学的时候我念给你听,你说太酸了。Huan, a psychopath. that when I was in school I'll read it to you, you say it's too sour.

而希斯莱杰选择了和杰克·尼克尔森完全不同的表演方向,他真的像是一个可怕的精神病患者。Heath's gone in a completely different direction to Jack, he's like a really scary psychopath.

Beaulieu是一个正直的疯子和疯狂的象棋迷,他一直梦想消灭邪恶的世界。Beaulieu is a righteous psychopath and fanatic chess player who wants to rid the world of evil.

他们认为,大脑的模式和遗传基因这两个条件,还不足以使任何人成为犯罪精神病患者。They believe that brain patterns and genetic makeup are not enough to make anyone a psychopath.

他是一个严格、认真、自学成才的精神病患者,小心翼翼地控制着他的精神健康状态。He's a strict, conscientious, self-taught psychopath who vigilantly maintains his mental ill health.

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到底是这个变态杀手已经转生为七个小孩中的一个,还是他当年根本就没死?Has the psychopath been reincarnated as one of the seven teens, or did he survive the night he was left for dead?

我父亲从没鄙视过迪林格,但是他痛恨‘娃娃脸’尼尔森,因为他杀死了我父亲的一个手下。My father never despised Dillinger but he hated Baby Face Nelson because he was a psychopath who killed one of his men.

但是就我自己最近的经验教我的,心理变态者的罪行不仅仅是犯罪者的行为。But as my own recent experience has taught me, the crimes of the psychopath are not merely a function of the perpetrator.

要经常在编程时想着最后维护你代码的那个家伙是个知道你住在哪的有暴力倾向的精神病患者。Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. "- Martin Golding".

与扩招生相比统招生在人际关系、恐怖、精神病性等方面存在的问题较多。Regularly enrolled students share more problems in interpersonal relationship, horror, and psychopath than expansively enrolled students.

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例如,打破了1994年的电影串行妈妈的惩罚,帕蒂赫斯特的性格是一个一丝不苟的精神变态谋杀。As punishment for breaking it in the 1994 movie Serial Mom, for instance, Patty Hearst's character was murdered by a punctilious psychopath.

他与警察、罪犯以及恶人搏斗的场景与最后他和变态杀手凯文令人反胃的决斗相得益彰。His fight scenes with the cops, mobsters and bad guys are fantastic as is his stomach-turning final battle with the psychopath killer, Kevin.

枪击案发生五年之后,联邦调查局表示相信哈里斯有精神变态的临床症状,他一手策划了杀人计划,并利用了克莱伯德的抑郁症状态。Five years after the killings, the FBI said they believe that Harris was a clinical psychopath who masterminded the plan and Klebold depressive.