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沙威国中在全柔扯铃交流营中的演出。SMK Kelapa Sawit performed diabolo on the Johor diabolo camp 2008.

据说空竹是由陀螺演变而来的一种儿童玩具,过去抖空竹是孩子们常玩的游戏。It is said that the diabolo was originally a kind of toy which children liked very much.

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欢迎进入舞铃的世界,这是一场你绝对不能错过的演出。Welcome to yet another unmissable performance from Diabolo Dance Theatre. Enjoy the show.

长期以此锻炼,可以提高身体的灵活性,延缓衰老。Therefore, playing diabolo can improve the flexibility of human body and defer senescence.

空竹的基本知识学习杂耍,如高抛在这个自由杂耍视频系列。Learn the basics of Diabolo juggling such as the high toss in this free juggling video series.

看了你上一场的比赛,你抖空竹太厉害了。什么时候开始学的空竹呢?I watched your performance. You are really good at diabolo. It was amazing. When did you start to learn diabolo?

再者,空竹的轮缘上有气孔,旋转起来能发出嗡嗡的声音,而迪亚波罗是没有声音的。So when you spin one fast enough, it produces a buzzing sound through its grooves whereas the diabolo does not make sound.

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在广州暨南大学校园内,每晚都有一群学生表演抖空竹,围观的人们无不惊呼连连。Every night on Jinan University's campus in Guangzhou, a group of students plays diabolo as a crowd watches on in amazement.

李鸿宽一直潜心钻研空竹制作,制成了可拆装式的空竹,轻松的将体积较大的空竹化整为零,便于携带。Dedicated to studying the diabolo handicraft, Li Hongkuan has produced re- constructible diabolos, making them very portable.

作者借鉴国际经验,提出了“空竹”型食物体系的构思,并提出了相应的重大举措。The author draws the foreign experiences, puts forward an idea of"Diabolo"food system, and gives some important recommendations.

北京空竹发展特别快,外地也是,像是大城市,河南,上海,武汉,…The art of Diabolo in Beijing is getting development quickly. So does it in other cities, such as Henan, Shanghai, Wuhan, inner-Mongolia.

抖空竹是我国独有的一项民族传统健身项目,在我国有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。Play diabolo it is our country unique one national tradition that build up body project, have long history and deep cultural inside information in our country.

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他以设计、装饰空竹及弘扬中华传统体育作为新理念,积极推广花样空竹表演技巧。He actively promotes diabolo performances and activities whose theme is the designing of and decorating of diabolos and the promotion Chinese traditional sports.

他收藏了各种样式的空竹,大部分是他亲手制作的,尤其是他亲手制作的空竹技艺100式的玩偶,挂在墙上,惟妙惟肖。Mr. Li also collects all kinds of diabolos , most of which were made by himself. His hand-made dolls "100 ways of Playing the Diabolo" hanging on the wall are particularly lifelike.

抖空竹集健身、娱乐、表演于一体,四季寒暑都可练,男女老少皆适宜,深受广大群众欢迎。Playing diabolo and collect the fitness , amusement, perform in an organic whole, can practise in four seasons, men and women, old and young are all suitable, received by people favourably deeply.