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说投入有点夸张了。Well, jump in is a bit of an exaggeration.

为了达到良好效果,他这里用的是夸张手法。Here he was using exaggeration to good effect.

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中国批评美国的报告称它夸大其辞。China criticised the US report as an exaggeration.

夸张,是失却了抑制的事实。An exaggeration is a truth that have lose its temper.

可以毫不夸张地说,这门课改变了我的一生。It is no exaggeration to say that it changed my life.

在面试时,即便是一点的夸张都算撒谎。In a job interview even a slight exaggeration islying.

一丝一毫的夸大都可能导致严重的后果。A little exaggeration can lead to serious consequences.

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说现在是原子时代并不夸张。It is no exaggeration to say that this is the atomic age.

绿茶广告,将肚腩变成胸部,好夸张。Green tea ad, will belly into the chest, good exaggeration.

毫不夸张地说,没有北大,肯定就没有我的今天。It is no exaggeration to say, no north, there is no me today.

紫色代表了势力、虚假、浮夸和虚荣。Purple represents snobbery, falseness, exaggeration and vanity.

现在的有些电视剧,情节夸诞,缺乏生活中的真实性。Some TV shows are full of exaggeration and lack trueness to life.

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称这种性行为是“危险的”可能有些夸张了。And calling this sex “dangerous” may be only a slight exaggeration.

说现在是原子时代并不太夸张。It is not too much exaggeration to say that this is the atomic age.

如果说有一大堆人对星座著迷,可是一点也不夸张。It is no exaggeration to say many people are obsessed with horoscopes.

而“决江浚河”、“疏河决江”一类传说,其实多有夸张。The legend of dredging and controlling rivers is exaggeration in fact.

夸张是谎言的血亲,应同样受到责备。An exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood and nearly as blamable.

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夸大或是欺骗,加上过度放纵,这可能会带来问题。Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem.

夸张,尤其是在卡通类型的动画片中,会很明显的用到。Exaggeration is, of course, especially apparent in cartoon-style animation.

你会觉得紫色代表了势力、虚假、浮夸和虚荣。You feel that purple represents snobbery, falseness, exaggeration and vanity.