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他喝了整箱啤酒吧!He drank a whole crate of beer!

我可以把你放在板条箱里运出去。I can ship you out in my crate.

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我把板条箱倒过来坐。I up-ended the crate and sat on it.

有人咱板条箱上贴了标签。Someone sticked a label on the crate.

货箱上标明“小心轻放”。The crate is marked “Handle with care”.

她把玻璃酒杯一个套一个放在箱子里。She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.

猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.

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猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.

然后他把箱子扔回桌上。Then he tossed the crate back on the table.

他给孩子买了一箱橘子。He bought a crate of oranges for his children.

一个好的干湿饲喂产床有优势。A good wet dry farrow crate feeder has advantage.

从打开板条箱到取用水只需要大约2个小时。From crate to making water takes about two hours.

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那是买一箱书所能回答的问题。That’s all the answers one crate of books will buy.

我们用斧头一敲就打开了板条箱。We broke open the crate with a blow from the chopper.

我不会再要求主人到柳条箱去就寝。I will not ask my master to retire to his crate anymore.

我还曾经被装到板条箱里,像动物一样在悉尼机场运送。I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal.

还要从北方佬那儿一大箱一大箱地订购法文和德文书呢!And ordering French and German books by the crate from the Yankees!

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现在天亮之前我不会让她上床,直到我感到她跑出她的窝。For now, I keep her off until dawn, when I let her out of her crate.

在家里,狗儿们从箱子和牵引带开始它们的生活。They start off in the crate and graduate to a dog leash in the home.

后来他决定去超市看看,用10块钱买了10公斤西红柿。He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.