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个别患者出现局部肌无力、肌萎缩。Individual local myasthenia gravis patients, muscular atrophy.

“重症肌无力症”也可表现眼睑下垂的症状。"Myasthenia gravis" can also be performance blepharoptosis symptoms.

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目的探讨胸腺清除术治疗少年型重症肌无力的疗效和适应证。To investigate the surgical effect and indication of juvenile with myasthenia gravis.

为什么现代DFM载体基因技术结合中医能治愈重症肌无力?Why DFM carrier gene technology combined with modern medicine can cure myasthenia gravis?

结论外科手术是治疗重症肌无力危象的方法之一。Conclusion Emergency thymectomy is the treatment of choice for crisis of myasthenia gravis.

目的探讨眼肌型重症肌无力的临床特点及治疗。Objective To observe the clinical manifestations and treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis.

然而,老年犬发生重症肌无力时,一般被认为是免疫介导的疾病。However, when myasthenia gravis occurs in older dogs it is thought of as an immune-mediated disease.

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目的分析在电视胸腔镜下行胸腺扩大切除术的注意事项及术后效果。Objective To evaluate the effect of video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy for myasthenia gravis.

目的总结重症肌无力危象的临床特点及急救和预防经验。Objective To summarize clinic characters, treatments and preventive experience of myasthenia gravis crisis.

根据客户信息,胍基乙酸配合甜菜碱使用,用于食品添加剂治疗肌无力。According t the customer's qlycocyamine functioned with betain can be users food addition to cure myasthenia.

目的探讨重症肌无力危象的外科治疗及围手术期处理。Objective To analyze operative method and prognosis of thymectomy for treatment of crisis of myasthenia gravis.

糖皮质激素对重症肌无力患者细胞和体液免疫功能影响的研究。A study of the effect of glucocorticosteroid to the cellular and humoral immunity of myasthenia gravis patients.

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在诊断为重症肌无力的老年犬的最早出现的症状通常为巨食道症。Often when myasthenia gravis is diagnosed in older dogs the first symptom the dog may manifest is megaesophagus.

此型与暂时性新生儿重症肌无力不同,症状为持续性,无完全缓解。This type of transient neonatal myasthenia gravis with different symptoms of persistent, non-complete remission.

重症肌无力是一种神经肌肉疾病,主要症状是犬只全身虚弱。Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease where the primary symptom is weakness in various body parts of the dog.

目的了解重症肌无力患者自身抗体的产生与细胞因子的关系。Objective To investigate and verify the regulatory effect of secreting IFN-γ on autoimmune antibody of myasthenia gravis.

我专家在北京重症肌无力之家发布重症肌无力的清热利湿,补益肝肾疗法。I am expert in Beijing myasthenia gravis myasthenia gravis House released heat and dampness, liver and kidney tonic therapy.

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故在治疗重症肌无力上中清热利湿与补肝肾兼顾,才能收效较速。Therefore, in the treatment of myasthenia gravis on the liver and kidney in both heat and dampness can be effective over speed.

目的了解胸腺内B淋巴细胞与重症肌无力发生的关系。Objective To assess the distribution and clinical significance of B-lymphocyte subgroup CD20 in patients with myasthenia gravis.

例如孕妇、重症肌无力症有心、肝、肾等内脏疾病的人,这些人是不可用这种方法美容的。Such as pregnant women, myasthenia gravis heart, liver, kidney and other visceral illness, these people are not this way beauty.