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请问您对塔罗牌占卜有什么看法?What are your views on Tarot divination?

他常用卜卦的方法帮人占卜未来。He often practices divination to tell other's fortune.

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根本没有泰矿的解毒剂,神化就等于死亡。There is no antidote for Tiberium. Divination is death.

当时,只有少数官吏或卜人使用。At that time, only a few officials or divination people.

艾里斯绝不会在那些情况下占卜。Iris will never perform the divination under those conditions.

断没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel.

祥明突然要求最后看季实子的手相再占卜一次。Sangmyung suddenly asked finally see JiShi palm divination again.

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西比尔·里劳妮是霍格沃兹的占卜教师。Sibyll Patricia Trelawney is the Divination professor at Hogwarts.

第二类占卜是马人使用的。The second kind of Divination is what is practiced by the Centaurs.

中国星象学及星座常用于占卜。Chinese astrology and constellations were often used for divination.

你们岂不知象我这样的人必能占卜吗?Don't you know that a man like me can find things out by divination?

若问谁是”海上A雄“,I卜战列舰莫属。If asked that who is" marine A male ", I divination battleship not is.

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紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。Purple Star astrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system.

那些地方在夏至日会有篝火会,爱情魔术和占卜的活动。These areas had fire festivals, love magic, and divination at midsummer.

我认为占卜课好象糊里糊涂的,有许多地方是靠猜的,要是你问我的话。I think Divination seems very woolly . A lot of guesswork, if you ask me.

一个警告克里奥帕特拉不要和朱利叶斯凯撒结盟的占卜。A divination to forewarn Cleopatra against an alliance with Julius Caesar.

失望中的猜测是一种百发百中的神矢。The divination of despair is a sort of mysterious bow which never misses its aim.

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谶纬之学是汉代的一种具有浓重神秘主义色彩的学术思想。Divination Studies was a school of thought prevalent during Han, Wei and the Six Dynasties.

箭杆为圆柱形,用木或竹制成,嵌于箭头之卜。The shaft is a cylinder, makes with the wood or the bamboo, inlays divination in the arrow.

“军气占”属于中国古代天象占中的气占,起源甚早。Junqi astrology, as part of qi divination in ancient Chinese astrology, has very early origins.